Chapter 33

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Alec was trying to avoid Izzy the whole day, he knew that he wouldn't survive at home, but killing him in his room would be much better than killing him in school hallway, in front of the many people, including jocks. Izzy saw him a few times but Alec ran into the boy's bathroom and of course, his little devil sister wouldn't go into the boy's bathroom. At lunch time, Quinn saved him, or Izzy would've been standing there for twenty minutes and Alec would have eaten his lunch in bathroom. After the lessons, Alec knew that Izzy and girls had cheerios practice, so he wouldn't bump into her in the hallway, that why he was walking very calmly in the hallway.

-Hey, Hummel!-Alec said with enthusiasm and Kurt looked at him with shocked face.

-Since when are you talking to me? Aren't you worried that you're "friends" will see you talking to fag?-Kurt said with sarcastic smile and started walking to the door. Alec exhaled and when they went outside and when Alec was sure that no one was listening he said.

-Well, I can't say anything about who you are like it wasn't me thirty minutes ago that was making out with Magnus.-Alec said with a little smile. Kurt was drinking water and he almost choked on it when he heard Alec's sentence.

-What?! I knew something was going on when you sang that song! It was very romantic!-Kurt almost shouted but when he realized that it would drew people's attention, he lowered his voice.-Wait, why on the earth are you telling me that?

-Because I think you can be trusted... YOU CAN BE, RIGHT?!-Alec said with warning voice and looked straight into Kurt's eyes, who was looking at him like a scared puppy and nodded quickly.-And also because we have the same friend, well he's your boyfriend but that doesn't really matter, also, Izzy found out about me and Magnus and she's trying to kill me the whole day because I didn't tell her anything. I need to go somewhere so I can figure out what I'm going to tell her when I get home so she will not want me dead.

-Alec, you're talking too much! What do you want?-Kurt said and looked at Alec.

-Are you going to Dalton today?-Alec asked and Kurt nodded with confused face.-Will you mind if I come with you? I haven't been there for a while and Blaine will probably kill me...

-You're kidding me, right? You've only been talking for ten minutes to ask me if you can come with me?-Kurt said with shocked voice and Alec looked t him with puppy eyes.-Screw it, get in the car but don't you dare talk or I will kill you!

-Fine! I won't say anything!-Alec said like a five years old kid and got in the car. Kurt rolled his eyes but also laughed, because he was always scared when he was seeing Alec in the hallway. He was always looking at people with cold face and he was very tall, his friends were also homophobic and Kurt thought that he was too, he couldn't even imagine that Alec was gay.

-Have I told you why I like Magnus so much?-Alec couldn't stop himself before saying these words. Kurt sighed but he really wanted to know what Alec found in that boy.

-I know you won't shut up, so you can tell me.-Kurt smiled and him and Alec started talking about Magnus like he was the best human on the earth. Alec said that he is hot as hell, he is also very kind and sweet. That Magnus had the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen and that he's very supportive. Kurt was driving and listening to Alec without saying anything.

-Do you love him?-Suddenly Kurt interrupted and this sentence cause Alec to froze and look at Kurt with wide eyes.-You heard me right. Do you love Magnus or do you just like him?

-I... I don't know... All I know is that I care about him very much, more than myself I guess.-Alec said with low voice. Kurt smiled when he remembered that he was like that weeks ago before telling Blaine that he loved him. He stopped the car and boys went to the huge building.

-Dude, I love this place!-Alec said and started looking at ceiling. He was continuing walking like that and of course he didn't see the blond guy in front of him, who was reading something. Suddenly, he almost made the guy fell down.-Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

-Yeah, I'm fine.-He said and smiled at Alec. Before Alec could say anything, Blaine ran to them.

-Hey, Alec! You're alive!-He shouted and hugged Alec, then Kurt. Like everyone, he was wearing blazer with school's emblem, Warbler, on it.-Alec, this is Andrew. Andrew this is Alec. Do you guys want to go to Java Jones, I'm starving and you two can get to know each other better...

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