Chapter 20

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*WHERE ARE YOU HANNAH BAKER?!*-Alec texted her again, because she told him ten minutes ago that she would come soon, but she's not there yet. They only have twenty minutes before first lesson ends. Magnus noticed that Alec was checking his phone in every two minutes.

-Everything okay?-He asked and Alec came back to reality.

-Yeah, just waiting for Hannah to text me back. She said that she would be here in two minutes, ten minutes ago. Women.-Alec rolled his eyes and Magnus couldn't help but laugh. He wanted to ask Alec if he and Hannah were dating but he changed him mind, it would be very weird and suspicious.-So, aren't you going to ask me the question you're dying to ask me for a few days?

-What? I'm not dying to ask you anything.-Magnus stuttered, but he knew that he wasn't a good liar. Alec rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow, then looked at Magnus again.-Are you and Hannah dating? I mean, you two would be cute together.

-I...-Before Alec could finish his sentence, Hannah stormed into the room and everyone started looking at her. Not because she ran into choir room like a crazy, because she was completely green.-You got slushied? Official welcome to William McKinley High School.

-I hate Bryce, Jonathan and Karofsky!-Hannah said angrily and tried to wipe the slushie off.

-Come on, I'll help you. We've all been through that.-Alec said and stood up. They walked into the hallway and when they were sure that no one was in girl's bathroom, they went inside.

-So, how did you survive?-Hannah asked suddenly. Alec was looking at her with confused face and was also wiping slushie from her face.-Magnus, I mean. You almost exploded my phone.

-Oh... He asked me if we are dating. You came quickly, because if you didn't storm into the room like a grinch, I would have to answer that question. Why on the earth did he want to know that?-Alec groaned and threw the toilet paper into the trash bin.-You're clean, again.

-Maybe he realized that he's bi. I can ask him if you want.-Hannah said and Alec shook his head quickly. They took their bags from the floor and started walking to choir room again.

-What? No! Hell to the no! Don't you dare or I will end you!-Alec said loudly and opened the choir room. First thing he saw was Izzy talking to Simon.

-Awww, they are so cute together... Or not.-Hannah said when Alec looked at her with death glare. He rolled his eyes and set down on the chair, but he noticed that Magnus wasn't sitting there anymore, so Hannah set beside him.-Where's he?

-Alec, Want to introduce your friend to us?-Mr. Schue said before Alec could answer Hannah question. Alec rolled his eyes, like always, so Hannah stood up and smiled at them.

-I'm Hannah, I'm new and I also have to ask, where's Magnus?-She said like an innocent angel, and Alec hit her on the leg, but she ignored him. Before Rachel's answer, Magnus walked into the room.-Where were you?

-Restroom, and I found out that Jessica Davis has a party tonight and she told me to tell if any one of want to come. I'm going, which means that so is Alec, which means that Hannah and Izzy are coming too. And because Izzy is coming, so will Simon.-Magnus said quickly.

-I will come too. I have nothing better to do, maybe I'll sleep with someone at least.-Santana said and everyone laughed, except Mr. Schue this time.

-And, while I was walking in the hallway and idea hit me like a train. Mr. Schue, may I?-Magnus said. Of course, Mr. Schue nodded and set down beside Rachel. Hannah started giggling when Magnus started singing Break up with your girlfriend.

-You have to tell him that we're not together and I have crush on Jessica.-Hannah said and when Alec realized that last sentence, he looked at her with wide eyes.

-Break up with your girlfriend, Yeah yeah, 'Cause I'm bored.-Magnus said and looked at Alec.

-Hannah, please hide me.-Alec whispered and he knew only one way to shut Magnus up. So he stood up quickly and started singing too.-But you without me ain't nice.

-Damn, he can sing!-Santana shouted from the across the room. They were singing with them and Santana, Izzy and Hannah were dancing as well. When they finished Alec couldn't believe what has happened. Suddenly a bell rang everyone left the room, except Magnus and Alec.

-You are coming to that party. I think we have to talk about something.-Magnus said and disappeared.

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