Chapter 40

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They've been sitting in choir room for more than thirty minutes, and Chris was getting paler and paler. Alec was begging Mr. Schue to let him go and find Magnus and his friends, but of course he wasn't letting him, he was repeating and repeating that police was already here and soon they would be allowed to leave the choir room. Right at that moment, when Alec was going to text Maryse that he was okay, his phone died and he didn't know her number orally to text her from someone else's phone. Alec was going to tell Mr. Schue that shooter wasn't shooting for almost fifteen minutes, which meant that going outside to look for the people he loved was safe, but suddenly he or she, whoever it was, started shooting again, and this time it lasted for two or more minutes. 

Everyone got more scared than they were before. Quinn was hugging Chris, telling him that she still loved him and he needed to hold on for a little longer. Brittany had her face hidden in Sam's neck and was crying loudly, while Finn was holding her hand and Puck was sitting very close to him. When shooting started thirty minutes ago, Finn helped Artie to sit down on the floor instead of his wheelchair, and now Tina, Mercedes and Artie were sitting next to each other and where holding their hands tightly. Alec was sitting next to Mr. Schue, he was covering his face with his hands and crying and sobbing loudly, while Mr. Schue had his hand on Alec's shoulder to calm him down. He knew that only reason Alec wanted so desperately to find Magnus, was to tell him how much he loves him. Even though Mr. Schue wanted to let Alec say those three words to his first love, he could let him get hurt. So, he was sitting there, and praying that everything was going to be okay, because Alec needed to tell Magnus that, and Magnus needed to tell him same.

-Mr. Schue, please. I need to know that my baby sister and boyfriend are okay. Please.-Alec begged and continued crying. Suddenly shooting stopped and Alec stood up quickly and ran to the closest door, but when he tried to open it, it was locked. He was going to ran to the other door, when Finn dragged him on the floor.

-ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND?! DO YOU WANT TO BTING SHOOTER HERE?!-Finn shouted and slapped Alec in the face to help him realize what he was going to do.

-I DON'T CARE! I NEED TO FIND HIM! WOULDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING TO FIND RACHEL AND TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER?!-Alec shouted and realized that the technically came out to the whole Glee club, well a part of it at least.

-I would, but when I realize that it can kill me, my girlfriend and friends too, then I wouldn't!-Finn said but Alec shook his head and tried to stood up again, but this time Puck didn't let him.

-You don't get it! It's not only about Magnus! I need to find Izzy too!-Alec said and new tears made way down on his cheeks. Boys sighed and looked Alec with helpless look.

-I'll go...-Mr. Schue said and stood up. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, including Alec.-Where do you think, where she might be? Girl's locker room or...

-Bathroom, she always fixes her make up before practice.-Quinn said with hoarse voice. Mr. Schue nodded, smiled at students because he knew that this might be the last time he would ever see them, and walked slowly outside. When he was sure that no one was in the hallway, he headed to girls' restroom. He walked inside and he heard someone sobbing.-Isabelle?

-Mr. Schue.-Izzy sighed in relief and hugged Mr. Schue tightly. She wasn't always hugging teachers, but now she wasn't thinking about that.-Where's Alec? Or Magnus?

-Alec is in choir room, but I don't know about Magnus. Are you okay?-Mr. Schue asked and suddenly three other doors opened and Hannah, Santana and Philip looked at him like scared puppies.-Come on, we have to go. Alec and Brittany are very nervous, like everyone else.

-Wait...-Philip said when they were walking back to the choir room. There were footsteps from behind. They turned around slowly and sighed in relief when they saw that it wasn't shooter, it was a cop. They ran into the choir room and Alec and Brittany stood up quickly.

-Izzy.-Alec started crying and hugged his little sister tightly. He wasn't letting her go, but then he heard how someone shouted "All clear". He looked at Mr. Schue, who nodded and helped Finn to carry Chris outside.-I... I don't know where he is...

-I saw him in boy's locker room.-Izzy whispered. Alec smiled at her before running like a flash.

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