Chapter 13

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After talking to Maryse, Alec decided it was time to ask Max what was going on. He walked to his room, inhaled deeply and then walked inside. A little boy was sitting in front of the table and was trying to do his math homework.

-You've been here for three hours, are you okay?-Alec asked and Max looked at him with scared face.-Sorry, I thought you heard the knock...

-I have a lots of homework.-This was all Max answered, but of course Alec didn't believe him.

-You're lying. No one gives that much homework on the first day of school.-Alec said and Max rolled his eyes, because he knew that he could never lie to his big brother. He closed the book and the notebook and looked at Alec.

-Fine, I am. So what? And why aren't you hanging out with your friends and girlfriend, like normal teenager boy does?-Max asked very coldly and Alec looked at him with wide eyes. We was very angry at something. Max put the stuff in bag and got up from the chair, and he was going to walked out from the room, when Alec stopped him.-What? I'm hungry!

-Max, what's going on?-Alex asked softly and Max sighed.

-Nothing serious, okay? I'm just hungry.-Max tried to lie but he failed, again.

-And again, you're lying. Also, we don't have anything to eat, so you're stuck with me until mom makes something.-Alec answered. Max groaned and climbed on the bed.

-Are you going to stand there?-He asked with annoyance when Alec didn't say or do anything for a few minutes. Alec sighed and sat on the bed.

-Now, will you tell me why were you acting so weird lately?-Alec said and Max became pale.

-I don't know what you're talking about...-He whispered and avoided Alec's look.

-Maxi, look at me. I'm talking about the moments when you've locking yourself in your room, listening to music very loudly, saying nothing for a few days... Avoiding talking about girls, like few minutes ago, when Izzy asked you if you had a girlfriend.-When Max looked at Alec again, he almost had a heart attack when he saw that Max was crying.-Max, what's going on? You know you can tell me everything right?

-I know... I'm just afraid that you all will hate me.-Max sniffed and Alec felt like someone punched him in the stomach.-I do like someone... But it's not a girl.

-Oh...-Alec said and Max looked at him like a scared puppy.-What's his name?

-It's Julian but he has a girlfriend, Emma.-Max said and wiped his tears away with his shirt.-Alec, I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me.

-Don't say that! I will never hate you, you're my little brother.-Alec smiled softly and hugged Max tightly.-I wanted to tell you something... I know it will be shock for you, but I like one boy too, I met him today. I'm just like you Maxi, and remember one thing, you should never apologize for being you. Nothing is wrong with you, this is who you are.

-Do you think dad will hate me?-Max answered with shaking voice and Alec shook his head.

-No, non of them will! When were you going to tell me that you liked that Julian?...

-I wasn't going to, I don't know why I did it know. Anyways, who is that boy you like? What is his name? Is he cute? Are you two friends already?-This was the Max Alec knows. With million questions and always happy.-Did you tell Mom? Dad? Izzy? Jace and your friends?

-Woah, slow down Maxi. His name is Magnus, he is very cute and good looking too, and yes, we are kind of friends. They already knew that I'm gay, I told Izzy today. My friends don't know.

-I miss her.-Max said with low voice and a thought hit Alec like a train.

-Mom and I are going to New York today, so we can come here with Izzy.-As soon as Max heard there words, he looked at Alec with wide eyes.-So, I was thinking, what if you come with us and tell everyone there? Mom, dad and Izzy.

-I... I don't know. What if they don't want me anymore?...

-No, they love you Max, so much. They will never not want you.-Alec interrupted.-I'm going to talk to mom, she was going to leave you with Luke, but I think this is the best chance to tell everyone. Please, don't think like that and like I told you, don't be ashamed of who you are... Wait! Does anyone at school know? Are they saying something about this, Max?!

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