Chapter 22

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After ten minutes of looking for Magnus while dancing, Alec thought that he wasn't there, so he just continued dancing with his terrible dance moves with his friends. Girls, especially Izzy and Santana were making fun of him and Finn because of their dancing. Other time Alec would get very mad, but now he was just continuing dancing and laughing with them. After he got tired of dancing, he and Finn decided to go outside. Izzy stayed with other, but just because of Simon. Guys were playing beer pong on the yard.

-Want to try, Lightwood?-Jace yelled with big smirk on his face. Alec realized that his friend was drunk, but so was he and what did he have to lose? He nodded with laughter and started playing. Because he was very bad at beer pong, way bad than he was at dancing, he ended up drinking seven or more cups. He realized that it was time to stop, when everything started spinning, but he was having the best time of his life, why would he stop?

Yes, Magnus was new to school, but he was having fun too. But on the other side of the house. While Alec was playing beer pong with Jace, Finn and his jock friends, Magnus ended up with Justin, Bryce, Jonathan, Karofsky and a boy named Alex. He lost the bet so he had to drink as much as he could. He was new, maybe doing this wouldn't make him a loser in those guys eyes.

-Damn, are you okay?-Bryce said with friendly smile, but Magnus knew from Quinn that if there's someone on this earth that you shouldn't trust, it's Bryce Walker.

-Yes. More than okay actually.-Magnus was too drunk to care about what people were saying.

-Hey, guys are playing beer pong on the other side of the house, want to play?-Justin asked Magnus and he wasn't only drunk, he was also high. Magnus was very good at beer pong, so he nodded and they went to the other side of the house. There were only Jace, Chris and Finn in front of the table. Magnus was looking for Alec for about fifteen minutes, but then he met Justin and others and didn't have time to look for him anymore. After another fifteen minutes, Magnus realized how drunk he was and he knew that Julia would kill him tonight.

-ALEC WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!-Finn shouted to Magnus when he said that he needed to go to bathroom. Magnus smiled at him and went inside. While desperately trying to find bathroom, he walked to Hannah and Jessica making out, but he only gasped and closed the door.

-Agh, finally!-Magnus shouted when he found the bathroom, but he found another surprise there. Philip and Lukas, and their hot making out session. Magnus groaned and closed the door. After walking too many gay couples, he didn't want to pee anymore. He pushed the door open and when he was sure that no one was there, he crawled over the bed and burring his face in the soft pillow. He was about to fall asleep, when suddenly someone came into the room.

-Magnus?-It was Alec. Magnus turned around to see him. Alec closed the door and lied down beside him.-This is the best party I've ever been... And why did you sing that song today?

-Because I thought you and Hannah were dating. Quinn told me that you aren't. Magnus answered, sit up and looked down to the bed.-Would you kiss me if I was gay?

-Would you?-Alec answered with question and sit up too, so he could look at Magnus better.

-I'm not supposed to like you this way.-Magnus answered and looked in Alec's hazel eyes. This was the answer Alec wanted. He smiled, placed his hand on Magnus back and pressed his lips against Magnus's. Magnus moaned in kiss and Alec pulled away with a big grin on his face.-Do you still feel straight or do you want to kiss me again?

-I want more than to kiss you.-As soon as these words left Magnus's mouth, Alec pinned him on the bed and kissed him again but with more passion this time. Alec pressed his tongue against Magnus's lips, who opened his mouth gladly while bringing his hands up to hold the sides of Alec's face. After a few minutes, Alec broke the kiss and Magnus was about to protest, but he had no idea what Alec was going to do. Magnus moaned when Alec started to push his body further down onto Magnus. He almost shouted from pleasure, when Alec started kissing, biting and sucking his neck. He knew that there were going to be hickeys, but that what he wanted. Magnus moaned again, he screwed his eyes shut and buried his face in Alec's shoulder. He didn't want this moment ever to end, but this thought brought question in his head – Why did I feel so good making out with Alec if he was straight? But maybe he wasn't...

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