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with you

"jungkook-ah come here," i giggled.

"look how young you look in this photo, very cute but a tiny little bit chubby like a bunny." as soon as i said that i ran for my life.

"hey come back here you little rascal," jungkook shouted.

"ahahah okay im sorry you can stop tickling me now." i said sincerely.

he stopped and looked at me with a stare. a few seconds after we both started laughing our heads off. i really loved my life and i was ready to spend it all with the one and only jeon jungkook. my love and my little bunny.


jungkook decided that we should go on a little date, since it's been a while. i quickly went through my closet and put on a simple pink elegant dress, along with my pink heels and some light makeup. i didn't realise how much i missed going out on dates, especially the walking in the park walking hand in hand. pushing away my thoughts, i opened the door to find my one and only love looking handsome and cute as always. i smiled as he opened the door for me and we headed off to eat some dinner.

"ahh this is so delicious i can't get enough of this food," i said happily.

"of course, you just can't get enough of food, food is life for you," jungkook said sarcastically.

"exactly," i giggled. with that we spent finishing off eating dinner talking and ranting just about everything. he couldn't make me anymore happier. his smile to his laugh and his good looks i will never get enough of. he's perfect. i couldn't be more grateful to have someone like him in my life.

after dinner, we decided to finish our date by  taking a late night stroll at the park before he drops me off back home.

"hmm i love this," i said.

"love what?" jungkook asked.

"i love walking feeling the cool breeze making me feel so refreshed. of course spending every moment with you, im just so happy," i replied only to see him smiling back at me.

"well it's a pleasure to make you happy." we both smiled at each other like there was no tomorrow..

we sat down by a tree, admiring the the view of all the city lights. just as we sat, he wrapped his arms around my waist back hugging me. i felt so safe, safe in his arms. feeling his warmth up against me is the best feeling especially in his arms. he makes me feel like the happiest girl alive. how do i deserve someone like him?

as the night came to an end, i said my farewell to jungkook and waved goodbye. he smiled while driving off, every time he smiles i just want to pinch his cheeks. oh my the way i love him.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now