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walking down the street, her apartment was just a few minutes away from flora's cafe. today she's off at work so she decided to spend her time helping.

"morning mrs kang!"

"good morning aera! can you help fix the tables for me? we're going to open in a few," she smiled from the counter.

like every other day, she enjoyed simple things and didn't fancy too much but she was okay with that.

organising the tables, she looked out to see a guy but the poster was blocking his face.

she squinted to see.. jungkook? she blinked again to make sure but no one was there, maybe i was just hallucinating.


meanwhile at bangtan's mini chill out session, the six guys were hanging out after a sleepover the other night.

they all eventually gathered around to eat breakfast together and is still shocked by the sudden news.

"i can't believe he's back," jimin said.

"yeah agreed, i'm not worried for us but you know," yoongi sighed.

"i'm sure he has his reasons," namjoon added.

"should we tell?.." jimin spoke.

"maybe we should let them figure it out, all we can do is be there," yoongi answered and the rest of them agreed.


the day finally came to an end, she left a bit earlier and went to clean up her apartment. along the way she opened a box revealing something she didn't know she had all these years.

she opened the box to find the sketch book. until today she always wondered what that drawing meant and who they were.

the boy was sitting on the swing happily as she walked away at the playground.

brushing it off she placed it to the side continuing to clean.

her phone suddenly rang. "hello jae, what's up?"

"nothing much, i'm coming over i misssss you soooo much, i'm bringing some dinner," she said.

"i literally just saw you one day ago but okay see you and don't call be baby for the trillionth time," aera replied.

"yeah whatever see ya," jae said ending the call.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now