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sept 30

waking up from your long sleep, you finally risen to get ready for school but you clutched your chest from the sudden pain that started arising, just like last year you remembered. literally you felt like someone stabbed you. you quietly sat there in pain with tears coming out of your eyes until it went away.

taking slow steps you breathed in and out eventually grabbing your phone check up on it, nope nothing. after your little break down, you finally finished up heading to school.

"yo wassup baby," jae hugged aera.

"yo annoying person don't call me baby," aera laughed.

"anyways where's jungkook? he's usually here before you get here," jae questioned.

"yeah that's true maybe he's late, let's go i'm pretty late myself," with that you headed to class.

time was still ticking and you constantly looked at the time, there was still no sign of him.

at recess you gathered by the table which you thought he would be there but he wasn't.

"hey guys have you seen jungkook anywhere?" you asked the rest of bangtan.

"maybe he's sick no?" yoongi replied.

"nope sorry aera we are just as clueless as you are," jimin said as the rest agreed.

you whispered to jae. "i'm kind of worried, i think i'll just skip the rest of the day call in sick."

"okay go love you stay safe, call me if you need anything," jae hugged you.

you've sent so many text messages and calls but still no reply, he would at least send you one message.

having a worried heart you ran all the way to his house. you knocked on the door waiting, that knocked eventually turned into banging.

"hey sweetheart, are you okay there? i heard some loud noises," a lady came out of the house next door.

you sat on the front door step crying because deep down you felt something was wrong. you wiped away your tears standing to face the lady.

"um yeah i was just wondering where the owner of this house is?" you looked down.

"oh honey, the jeon family left for the states. i'm not sure how long but it seem like they were packing for years," the lady patted your shoulder.

"i'm going to get going now cheer up sweetheart, i don't know what happened but you'll be okay sooner or later," she smiled walking away.

you gave a smile which soon later shed into tears. after everything we've been through, he just left like that, with no goodbye or anything.

you felt betrayed and broken.

suddenly the sky turned dark overshadowing the city with a dark sky.

you did everything you possibly could to contact him, but he left without a trace like he didn't even exist.

walking back home, you heart is confused, lost and hurt.

you remembered all the times he comforted you, when he put up with your antics, fed you when you were sick, laugh together until your stomachs hurt, stay up talking for hours and stay in each others arms until the night had fallen.

people around you looked at you from all your sobbing and crying state.

you trusted him with your life, you opened up your heart just for him because you knew he was the one, but what happened tells me otherwise.

suddenly you got a call from jae, you answered it.

"he's gone jae he left for the states," with that you ended the call. she knew the sound that you wanted time alone, you didn't even have to say anything and she'll know.

finally you reached your house. you opened your house being welcomed by no one. you placed the keys down, engulfing a glass of water sitting down.

you felt numb from head to toe and it felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest. your tears finally dried out from crying the whole day.

breaking out of your stance, you received a unexpected call.

"hello is this aera?" the person on the other line spoke.

"um y-yeah w-who is this?" you stuttered.

"hello this is the hospital, we'd like to inform you sadly that your halmeoni has passed away. please come as soon as possible, thank you," with that the line ended.

you placed your phone on the table, surprisingly no tears came out anymore. it was like someone sucked out every possible tear that could drop.

now you felt even more numb, you felt nothing at all.

the door suddenly bursted open revealing worried jae.

"jae halmeoni is gone," as soon as you said that your eyes turned blurry and you collapsed on the floor.


disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now