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new beginnings

the clouds surrounded the skyline view of the city. the day was just beginning. later, the city would be filled with thousands of people walking and talking just minding their own little business.

i love the city. a place where you can do anything you please. but i'm not quite fond of the crowds and especially the loud noises. people talking so loud, bumping into you and swarming around you.

at the start of everyday or well you could say most of the time, she would watch the sunrise awaken. she would just watch. no feelings just empty in the inside. she wants to change this feeling, but doesn't see that in the near future. she doesn't know if she would ever feel complete again. maybe she was wrong or maybe she was right? who knows. who knows what the future holds for us?

just holding these thoughts every morning to every day. she would forget and get lost in the moment, getting distracted. all these thoughts and questions just keep running, which she didn't even have the answers to. she always questioned herself. what is my reason to live? what is my worth? will i loose someone i love again? will i be like this for the rest of my life?

yet you never know.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now