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sept 29

aera woke up after a long day yesterday. she rubbed her eyes squinting to find jungkook staring at her, you looked at him like what.

"happy birthday aera," he kissed your forehead.

you just started laughing and he looked at your sleepy figure confused.

"don't tell me you forgot your own birthday." aera just laughed.

"you know i never really had big celebrations just my family and cake, we didn't have enough to buy presents but i guess now i do," she have a sly smile.

"and you'll get heaps later tonight trust me," jungkook pinched her cheeks.

"oh by the way your dad left early for work sadly he can't be with you today, but he left a present for you to open later," he said.

you nodded your head getting ready for the day. oh dad you always work so hard but i understand duty calls, she thought.


aera told jungkook she wanted to stroll for a bit before her small party.

she walked for probably almost an hour and she could feel her feet starting to hurt, so she headed back.

unlocking the door she opened it to her dark house.


all of them were there.

"luckily you took a long stroll so we could prepare this for you," jae laughed.

"it was kind of last minute sorry aera," jungkook said.

"no it's alright i'm glad you are all here that's all that matters."

"shall we begin the party?" i exclaimed.

as soon as i said that they all started screaming and running around like kids. i couldn't help laugh.

like i said before i love seeing them happy and it makes me feel happy too.

cheers to being seventeen she thought.

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