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without you

"i was contemplating whether i should have you back into my life but i just c-can't.. anymore i-i can't.."

the two stared into each other's eyes watching as the tears fell down rapidly like rain pouring down, they were both crying as if it's the last time they'd see each other.

"i-i can't.. i can't live without you," she finally continued, jungkook's heart almost skipped a beat to what he thought she was going to say.

"part of me feels like i didn't enough for you and i apologise too for not seeing your pain. i don't have all the answers but all i know is right now is that i can't live without you. all i know is that i miss you and i need you, i don't think i can go any longer without you. no matter how hard i try to avoid it, i always comeback to you," aera sobbed into her hands.

with that jungkook embraced her, the feeling that he was longing for. how does he deserve someone like her to just take him back? from that moment they both knew a part of their heart was missing without each other.

"i thought i had lost you forever, no matter long it takes i will be here waiting for you until your ready. again i am truly sorry for all the damage and heartbreak i've caused. i'm going to fix all the promises i've broken and mend our hearts. if i ever break your heart ever again, then that comes to show i don't deserve to be in your life anymore. so that's why i'm not going to ever in my life do that again, i love you so much to the moon and back, i don't know what i would do without you either," jungkook kissed her forehead wiping her tears away.

"i love you aera."

"i love you too jungkook."

he lifted her with happiness spinning around as she happily squealed. he put her back down placing his hands around her waist, leaning in to get the same feeling like he did before when they had their first kiss, he wanted to feel her again so they did. once again in each other's arms after all these years and they couldn't been anymore happier. these mistakes made them even stronger realising how much they can't live without one another.

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