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oh and oh

"OHHH CRAP CRAP CRAP IM GONNA BE LATE AGAIN." aera shouted at the top of her lungs.

damn it why do i have to over sleep again. i even have to perform today for music, she thought as she was running out of the house.

people walking past looked at her as if she was running away from her angry father. funny thing about aera she runs like a headless chicken. you could even ask jae.

luckily she arrived just on time only bumping her head on someone's chest. he helped her up holding her arms.

as soon as that happened, she rubbed her head thinking. damn he must have abs with how hard his chest was and his arms looked so muscular. woah. she mentally thought.

she looked up to find..

"oh jungkook, umm sorry i didn't see where i was going," aera apologised nervously removing herself from his arms.

"oh no it's alright just be careful next time, you might've fell on the floor if i wasn't there to catch you," jungkook gave a little smile showing his beautiful shiny moon eyes.

"uh yeah i guess thank you and sorry again." she said bowing then walking into music class.

why was i nervous around him? what the heck. plus he was in my music class too i just realised. damn how embarrassing.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now