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take care

honestly it's so hard to balance your school life with your personal life. i'm really grateful to have people in my life that are always there for me and i won't take that for granted.

i told jungkook about how my halmeoni wanted to meet him. so that's how we are now parked infront of the hospital.

he looked at me as we still sat in the car and i just raised my eyebrows.

"i can see how much you love your halmeoni, i'm actually glad she asked to meet," looking at happy aera.

"you can't stop smiling can't you, come on let me go meet her aera," he said grabbing her hand.

"hehe sorry don't worry i love you too," aera giggled.

walking hand in hand they finally reached floor 27.

"aera i know it's you," halmeoni said with her eyes closed.

"what how do you know? your eyes are closed!" she exclaimed.

"i can sense you," aera just laughed.

"and i see you have.. ahh jungkook you must be aera's boyfriend," she suddenly said in a serious tone and aera just raised her eyebrows at her.

"yes it's a pleasure to meet you aera talks about you all the time," jungkook said bowing down nervously.

"aha i'm just joking its nice to finally meet the person who's making my flower smile all the time and no need to be formal," she laughed.

"i'll be back i'll just go get some food okay," aera said walking out the door leaving the two alone.

jungkook sat by the chair silently looking out the window as halmeoni did.

"what is your full name jungkook?" she questioned.

"jeon jungkook."

"jeon jungkook, no matter what happens will you able to stay by her side when times get rough? or will you just run away and leave it all behind?

all her life she's been fighting it may not look like it, she went to lengths to support her family.

we didn't have much. she worked hours to help her parents and i, especially when i grew sick.

she held herself together but that bubble is eventually bound to break and i'm not sure if i will still be there.

when she breaks you must be there for her because if not i cannot tell you what may happen.

time will tell.

when you fight a battle you can never do it alone. i hope your the missing piece to her broken heart, so please take care of her."

halmeoni started coughing as jungkook quickly aided her to sit up properly.

"thank you jungkook."

"no thank you for telling me that halmeoni."

"promise me to take care of her okay."

"i promise," he whispered.

"HELLO i am back with food i'm starving!!" aera opened the door.

"okay shall we eat then?," halmeoni asked.

"we shall," aera clapped her hands in excitement.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now