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it's been a long time. okay maybe not a long time but a little while. i mean just a week. okay but i'm very confused. why would he take me out on a date and then just ignore me like that. he's just been avoiding me.

i'm not going to lie he's really doing something to me. maybe he is what he's called the so called 'playboy' i've been trying all this week and still nothing just giving me a cold shoulder. but you know what i don't want to be like this anymore. i'm going to try to be okay.


"hey guys," i said happily.

"hi aera," they all said expect jungkook.

while the others were talking, specifically jae, yoongi and jimin looked at me worried.

i whispered.

"i'm going to try not be sad anymore."

they gave all little smile.

they've been bugging me to not be sad anymore and i'm trying my best to.

they also having asking jungkook but he wouldn't budge. so they just left it, when he doesn't want he doesn't want to.

be happy aera. do it for you.

jae stared at me from across my living room. she suddenly came and sat next to me and said.

"we haven't even talked about how you felt and please don't deny it. you like jungkook."

i just stared at her.

"i know your just scared but i can see the way you look at him and your efforts to talk to him," jae said.

"and i don't know what happened with jungkook none of us do, he just randomly shut everyone out."

"i don't want to freak you out but i know you have thought about this. he's done this with a few other girls before but it's been years and maybe he has a reason why he did what he did," she said holding my hand.

"thank you jae for always being there," jae just nodded her head.

after the talk me and jae started to chill around on the saturday night. dad had a night shift so he'll be back in the morning. i should probably visit halmeoni soon to see how she's doing.

"sooo you haven't admitted it yet," jae said smirking.

"admit what," you replied still watching the kdrama.

"my dearest aera, you really have changed so much after the time apart from each other but your still stubborn and mean," she laughed while i just raised my eyebrows.

"just make things easier and say it then we can figure out what he feels and what to do next," jae just kept on blabbing on and on.

"come on i know you lik-"

"okay shutup i like jungkook you happy," i shouted crossing my arms.

"say that again, i didn't quite hear it," placing her hand near her ear.

"you better shutup before i kick your ass."

she just gave a little giggle.

"don't worry your not alone, we'll figure this out."

i hope so not just because of my feelings for him but our friendship.

what if he doesn't return it? was the date just like every other? was it just for fun? too much questions.

"aera i have a plan to make you guys at least be friends again like normal," jae smiles winking.


the two boys sat on the couch in his elders home.

"jungkook what's up with you lately?"

"jin hyung i'm just scared. what if-"

"yoongi and jimin filled in the rest of the guys about you and you know."

"just please don't do anything you'll regret, jungkookie," jin said.

"you can't call me that," jungkook said sternly.

"and why is that?... oh okay i see my little one," jin smiled.

maybe i was overreacting and now i just ruined our friendship that we just had started. it was just a date now i'm overthinking.

what if she doesn't even like me? something pulled me closer to her and i'm breaking that because i'm afraid of what will happen.

"it's been kind of obvious since the date just say that you li-"

"please shutup," jin just laughed.


"pretty much just do the same. ignore him like he did and he will come to you like you did. simple," jae said proudly.

"is it even that simple?" jae just looked at you unamused.

"okay i will do it," i sighed as she jumped with joy.


monday. time to ignore him apparently. i don't know hopefully jae is right. time skip.

so here we are at the cafeteria and i've been ignoring him being normal i guess. you know what the funny thing is he started talking to me again but avoided him. now he knows what it feels like.

i needed some air i couldn't take the tension between us and ignoring him and all, so i went to sit at the tree looking at the city skyline.

"hey aera."

it was jungkook.

i stood up and started walking off until he grabbed my wrist stopping me.honestly i don't think this is working. i'm wasting my time on this maybe i should just give up. i was mad and upset.

i can be be nice but i'm pretty mean too. i'm not the type to just make friends and spit out how i'm feeling and what i'm going through. it was different with him but i think it's not for us.

"WHAT JUNGKOOK," i shouted just enough for us two to hear, he looked at me suprised at my tone.

"so now you just talk to me after ignoring me oh wow it's been three weeks almost a month jungkook."

"sorry i was ju-"

"you were just what jungkook?? are you doing the same thing with me like before? it wasn't just about the date but our friendship."

"did you even care how i felt? leaving me in the shadow right after the date."

jungkook was getting overwhelmed.

"tell me why you did that.. tell me why yo-"


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