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somehow he managed to get your number and everything, you know who but then you know why. currently it's the start of september and for the last few weeks, he's been constantly contacting you. you appreciate the effort but sorry doesn't seem to cut it.

right now, at the cafe that leaves you three again. jae could literally see his compassion and desire in his eyes to get her back, she appreciated that but knowing aera, especially when she is upset you've got a long way ahead of you.

jae decided to approach him. "hey jungkook, come here for a second." she waved her hands telling him to sit in front of her while aera was at the counter helping.

"i am really mad at you for what you did to my bestfriend. i know you are very sorry but that is not enough, you out of all people should know that. i've seen enough of her constantly crying and isolating herself. as much i want to admit, this will keeping going on and you'll both just keep getting hurt at the end if we don't do anything. aera won't leave until the cafe closes and you know her. come with me i have something show you, i'm sure aera won't mind."

jae explained her side of the story and how she felt about the situation. jungkook said sorry again and she let out a 'you better be' face.

"hey aera, i'll meet you back at your place don't wait up for me okay?" jae said pushing jungkook outside the door, aera nodded.


jungkook was confused as to why jae brought him at aera's mothers grave. she stood back to give him some space and to figure it out. he looked at the grave beside her mothers one. it finally came to him, all that guilt and regret started rushing in. he didn't keep his promise to halmeoni, she said aera was bound to break and he wasn't there for her. jungkook couldn't imagine the pain she went through without him.

"jungkook, loosing you was one thing for aera but halmeoni is a whole another story," jae looked at the ground sighing.

"when?" he asked shaking, his voice almost cracking.

"the same day you left her."

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now