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all this time

you finally reached jimin's house to have dinner with the rest of the guys. what made it even worst is that it was still raining. what a way to bring down the mood.

"come on smile for now let's go inside," jae patted her shoulder.

quickly running to the shade of the front door from the rain they rang the doorbell. with the door opening to a loud house full of guys. you just chuckled.

"hey welcome come inside," jimin welcomed.

you stayed behind jae. you looked at yoongi to see that he's just taking to hobi as jae suddenly runs to him. as you see jungkook just talking to his hyungs not seeing you present. you sighed. maybe we need sometime off i guess.

we eventually sat at the table eating our dinner.

"thank you jin for cooking tonight," you said.

"no worries your the only one that thanked me for that unlike the rest of you," jin pointed his fork at them.

"yeah thanks hyung," jimin said.

"yeah yeah."

later we sat in the living room just watching a comedy movie since some of them are scaredy-cats.

i haven't talked to jungkook yet but one problem at a time, so i decided to talk to yoongi.

jae nudged me whispering. "i'm going to beat him up if he keeps this going."

i whispered back. "chill jae i'll be back, bathroom."


walking down the hallway i hear someone talking. yoongi and jimin?

the door was slightly open.

"why can't you just tell her?" jimin said.

"you've been suffering all this time putting saying that your okay when your not hyung," he continued.

"i think it's best like this though jimin," yoongi sighed.

"you getting obvious hyung, why suddenly be so upset now about it?"

i was curious so i stepped in a bit more.

"is that also the other reason why you went to japan? i know you still like aera but she has jungkook now it's time to move on," jimin patted yoongi's shoulder.

jimin stood up and turned to see you at the door with lost eyes. he suddenly faced yoongi to see his surprised face.

you quickly went to the bathroom like you were supposed to.

"y-yoongi l-likes me?" your mind was so lost and confused.

after a few minutes of contemplating you decided to talk to him.

walking to the room you thought that's probably the reason why he was avoiding me, maybe it was getting hard for him to see me.

there he was outside gazing at the stars.

"hey yoongi."

"o-oh hey aera."

"why didn't you tell me?" you asked with saddened eyes.

"is just i felt like it i told you it would ruin our friendship and plus you have someone already," he looked down.

"all this time you felt that way and i was dumb not to see that," you touched your head thinking.

"no aera your not dumb, i am to even like you."

"look i don't want things to mess up our friendship and i don't want to break my promise to you. like jimin said i have to move on and i will, for myself," he sighed.

he turned to you holding your hands. "shall we forget all this happened? and continue like before," you nodded smiling.

hugging him you said. "i know it's hard for you so take all the time you need bestfriend minmin."

"thank you bestfriend moonmoon."

after releasing from the hug you both looked at the dark sky.

"i'm sorry yoongi for all the pain i've caused," you spoke.

"it's okay i'm sorry to for being a brat for the last few months."

he continued. "and speaking of that what's wrong with you and jungkook?"

"i don't know i'll talk to him again hopefully things will turn out better," you sighed.

"i'm always here if you need it and we're all here, your strong you'll get through this aera," yoongi spoke.

"thanks yoongi, lets go back inside it getting cold."

both of you walked back to the living room. as you walked back in one person in particular looked at you both but yoongi didn't notice.

his eyes looked like they were on fire, well kind of. he looked jealous of us. you just went back to your seat. so now you have my attention, aera thought.

later the night finished and you felt better about the situation with yoongi. i'm so grateful to have someone like him in my life. someone who easily understands and puts others first before him.

we reached my house as jae parked in the driveway.

"yah baby aera i'm sleeping over, my house is too far and plus i have clothes here," she rubbed her eyes from the tiredness.

"okay," you laughed at her sleepy state.

while you unlocked the door you spoke. "for the last time i am not your baby."

with that the night ended as the world kept on spinning.

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