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flashback... aera sat at the window admiring the the view of the gloomy sky as it cries and pours. the raindrops keep coming. she was so young and her mother was just gone like that.

what made it even more sad was the fact her best friend was leaving her too. of course she understood that because now she knows what it feels like to loose someone you love.

"yoongi are sure you want to continue studying in japan. don't you want to stay with aera, she's all alone." said yoongi's mother yerim.

"i'm at the airport already and my flight is in two minutes. i'll call you later." yoongi replied hesitantly.

"okay it's your choice, you'll be okay right you have your guard anyway. auntie will be there when you land. be safe always i love you stay strong." she sobbed.

with that he ended the call and left.

end of flashback.


yoongi had everything from a big house to having maids and guards too. but the one thing he never got to have is his father to see him grow into the man he is today.

after 3 years in japan he decided to moved back but to study in seoul instead when he turned 17.

as for aera, she wasn't rich like her bestfriend so she had to move places for her dads work, after her mother passed. she moved to gwangju, which was a bit close to busan with her dad. she lived there until she had to move again, which now leads to her current life in seoul.

in both in their minds they don't know how they've made it past through everything. it's now their final year as they will graduate and eventually continue into university. somehow they managed to find each other again and they were both happy to finally see one another again.

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