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4 yrs later

what i am supposed to say? not much has happened despite the fact that i'm a new and improved person.

aera and jae work as nurses and when you can you help out at flora's cafe. turns out your mother knew the owner, mrs kang. your dad came back after a year he left, but now you have your own apartment which is just a street away from jae's. as for the other bangtan members left are doing their own thing too.

just as the world keeps spinning so does are lives and i'm proud to say i'm pretty happy.

"YAH YAH WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT IN MY DRINK.. YOU PABO DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT TO YOU.. YAH YOU TWO COME HERE," guess who jin shouted at jimin and taehyung who was running away from the elder.

"here we go again," yoongi sighed.

"oh hyung is rapping again," hobi laughed.

"you know jin should release a mixtape," jae added on laughing.

"i would love to see that," aera continued on.

"maybe one day," namjoon said laughing as the rest of them watched the three bicker.


the following day she went over at yoongi's house to have a sleepover.

"i'm only watching these dramas for you," he said eating popcorn.

"i don't get how you can sit here for hours."

"it's not like you haven't done that before especially sleeping the whole day," aera exclaimed, he just rolled his eyes.

"aha that's so funny that kid reminds me of you," she pointed to the tv.

"when you used to cry because you didn't want to do anything at school," aera laughed at yoongi.

"yep that's so funny.. i remember when you cried when i scared you behind the playground slide," yoongi fired back.

"oh yeah, i remember the time when you almost cried when you thought i was leaving you for a friend in grade 2," she replied laughing still.

"you know we can go for the whole day but you know i'd rather not, let's just say we're both emotional annoying kids," yoongi chuckled.


"oh and since you have a lot of money you have to buy me my milk tea next time thanks," aera said sternly.

"yeah yeah whatever you say," he said laying on the couch.


she sat outside admiring the little stars that shined among the dark galaxy. a feeling that her heart is at ease and at rest, laying upon the sky. there she can reflect on herself and make her mind stay steady.

"you've always had a thing for the stars and the moon.. nature in general," yoongi stepped outside sitting beside her.

"especially when you were young.. after a hard day or argument, you'd always seem to stare into the unknown interestingly," he continued.

"yeah i guess it's just something that's eases my mind and helps me find comfort but there are other things too," aera's eyes shined bright underneath the moon.

"it's weird how we can me miles apart but we look under the same sky," she added on.

"come on it's getting late you should go to bed now moonmoon," he nudged her.

"okay minmin."

"you love how your nickname match your interest," yoongi said walking back inside.

"oh yes i totally love it, thanks minmin," she laughed smiling.

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