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ride of your life

to be honest i don't know how we ended up here. after getting drunk the next day we now ended up at the amusement park.

they all started to walk inside and i just stood there.

"aera come on it won't be so bad," jae linked her arm with mine.

jungkook have her a reassuring smile and aera just nodded.

"yah i think i'll just sit out," yoongi said.

"me too," hobi and jimin said at the same time.

"nope you three are coming with us let's go hyungs," jungkook jumped in excitement.

they all groaned.


few hours later.

"i feel like i'm gonna vomit," hobi said holding his stomach.

jimin and yoongi came out of the ride agreeing with hobi.

while the rest enjoyed the ride.

"are you alright aera?" jungkook asked.

"i'm okay i guess better than them three," you both laughed.

in the mean time. "your such a baby but i love you," jae said holding hobi up.

"that was the ride of my life, not doing that ever again," hobi sobbed.

they all headed out to get settled down and probably eat some food and aera lost in her own mind again.

every year she's always gotten the fear of what's to come because every year she feels empty, especially since her mother passed.

she can't help feel sad because she feels like a part of her is missing and she can't pinpoint what.

maybe this just the start of something new?

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