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catching up

'ring ring ring' the bell rang meaning the last period was over meaning home time. i packed up my things and headed out to the bus stop.

"hey hey aera," jimin shouted from the distance.

"oh hey jimin what's up?" i asked.

"are you busy?"

"no why you ask"

"come lets go eat some snacks it's my treat." with that he pulled me into his car to the nearest cafe.


"here is your cake and tea enjoy your afternoon." the waitress said bowing.

"i thought why not catch up probably, you probably have some questions since we last met," he asked.

"yeah i guess how was yoongi when he came back from japan. i haven't really got the chance to talk to him very long," i asked him curiously.

"well from what i remember he had changed quite a lot appearance wise but personality still the same." jimin chuckled.

"although when i asked how you were he looked a bit sad when i mentioned your name."

"oh maybe because we haven't seen or contacted each other in ages," i replied.

"maybe.. i feel like there is another reason though," he raised his eyebrows at me.

"i don't know maybe"

"and i wanna start fresh..  i actually found out your feelings about me back then. i kinda overheard you and yoongi talking but i already liked you know so i just left it," jimin said looking out the window.

"hey no it's alright it's been years but thank you for telling me. you've changed a lot." i smiled.

"before i left busan for seoul just after yoongi left i found out that she was actually cheating on me."

"i'm so sorry about that jimin.. um is that why you kinda like go around and um.."

"you hear.. yeah kinda like a flirt, i guess it's okay i haven't really been looking for a relationship since then so it's all good."

"you deserve a lot jimin you deserve better," i replied.

"nahh looking from what you've been your mother, halmeoni and yoongi it's nothing compared to what i've been through you deserve way better."

"thank you jimin that means a lot." i smiled drinking my tea.

the rest of the afternoon we spent time catching up and enjoying the moment.

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