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happy or sad?

a week back he saw her as she got her hot chocolate and sat by the window. he had never thought to be so drawn in by someone he didn't even know. he would take walks around the outskirts of the city to clear his head usually every morning.

but days later he was lost own world and felt more sad than he already was. he went inside the cafe to clear his head. he sat there for hours just drawing every detail on the face until he was satisfied.

usually on weekends she doesn't visit the cafe but she got up feeling with a pretty good mood. she walked into the cafe just doing the usual as she had nothing else to do before school starts.

he was so deep and focused in his drawing to even realise she saw him.

she saw him and he saw her but they both didn't know that they knew of each other's presence. they thought the other didn't know they existed.

she smiled and quickly left the cafe after she got her drink. that was probably the first time she has smiled in a while and most likely the first time he was interested in someone like that.

what they both didn't know is that they were both incomplete. they were both trying to find themselves and where they are heading towards in their lives.

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