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minmin + chimchim

aera walked to her next class just a bit earlier, just after that encounter with jungkook. she didn't know what  happened but she felt a pain in her heart being rejected. she was so lost in her thoughts she bumped into someone.

"i'm so sorry uhhh... oh jimin hey," aera said looking up at him.

"hey you all good," jimin looked at the small saddening face.

"yeah i guess i don't know."

"come," he said grabbing her hand as they sat along the porch outside the cafeteria.

they sat in silence until she spoke.

"have you ever had someone walk off you after having the nicest day?"

"i'm sure that someone will come around," jimin looked at the sky.

"what if they don't? i have a feeling about something but i just can pin point it."

"maybe give them sometime or maybe talk to them," he said sympathetically.

"thanks chimchim," aera gave him a smile walking off.

she used to call her that for his nickname back in busan. jimin just chuckled.


she sat in her seat always sitting by the window ready to begin class.

maybe she was overreacting but she can't ignore what she was actually feeling.

"hey moonmoon i heard from chim that you weren't feeling good," yoongi sat beside her.

she just sighed.

you saw jungkook walking in as you three did photography. you just looked at him then just sighed again.

"stop sighing man."

"i'm not a man," she sighed again.

"it's him isn't it?" yoongi looked at her.

aera just layed on the desk on her arms.

"am i overreacting about this?"

"maybe be you should focus what you really want first before him, i heard the weekend was fun jae was rambling earlier at lunch."

"yeah it was but i don't know now and what happened but i-"

"it's okay come on let's take some photos," yoongi hushed the girl.

"yes minmin."

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now