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later on the day has finally come to an end. i walked to my locker to put some stuff away.

"OH CRAP," i shouted holding my chest when i closed my locker to find..

"hey jungkook what's up."

"sorry i didn't mean to scare you," he apologised.

"aha no it's alright."

"soo you walking home or taking the bus?"

"i feel like waking today even though it's a bit far from my house," i said fixing my bag ready to leave.

"okay let's go i'll walk with you," he said smiling grabbing my hand.

we started to walk while he was holding my hand but i didn't reply back to his action. i was so surprised that my hand just stayed open while he was holding it.

but i quickly let go as soon as this girl appeared with her other friends at the back of her.

"hey oppa what are you doing today? let's go out," she said clinging her arm around his.

i silently said to jungkook that he should go with her and that is okay i can walk by myself.

jungkook shoved the girl and the girl gave me a glare.

"sorry sowon i'm busy right now, come lets go aera," he said with a blank face to her waking away.

i followed jungkook like a little girl catching up with him.

sowon as i heard gave me a look up and down like she was observing me disgusted.

okay girl it might look i'm scared but im way more than that.


"sorry about that she's kind like a follower an annoying one," he said with his hands on his pockets.

damn even his side view is attractive i thought to myself.

"earth to aera hello," he said waving his hands near my face.

jungkook laughed as he found her staring at him. so he leaned closer to get her attention.

"aera i asked you a question."

"oh my gosh sorry," i said surprised as i jumped back not realising how close he was standing infront of me.

how did we stop waking i guess i was really in my.. thoughts

"yeah sorry what was it you asked," i said a bit embarrassed as we continued walking again.

"do you have anything on tomorrow?"

"i have to finished the partner work with taehyung on sunday but tomorrow i'm free."

jungkook sighed as she mentioned his name.

"since your free saturday tomorrow.. lets go out together," he said looking down on me.

ok but he's really tall

"together? oh yeah im okay with that," i smiled trying not to freak out.

"then it's settled then i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow," he said showing his smile.

"is this a dat-"

he chuckled.

"yes it is aera it's a date."

"okay see you then um what should i wea-"

"nothing too formal."

"okay this is my place thank you for walking with me see you," i said.

he nodded his head smiling and walked off.

wow i just got asked out on a date by the famous jungkook.

aera process that.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now