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smile for now

you ended waking up early the next day and started to cook breakfast.

"morning dad you've been working all night and day don't work to hard i barely see you at all anymore," you said.

"don't worry about me i'm doing okay honey did you have fun last night? jae slept over?" he asked.

"yeah she was lazy to drive back home," your dad just laughed.

"have you seen halmeoni lately?" i asked him.

"as much i would love to work has been really taking over maybe next time, you check on her for me okay? i have to go say hello to jae for me bye i love you," your dad hugged you.

"okay bye stay safe i love you too."

after he left jae came out of the room. you looked at her morning state. you couldn't help laugh at her cuteness.

"my dad says hello," you handed her pancakes.

"oh tell him i said hello too," jae shoved the pancake into her mouth and you just shook your head in disgust but you still love her.

you spoke remembering the events of last night.

"yoongi likes me," you said straight up.

jae started coughing and you patted her back giving her some water. you stared at her confused.

"what?" you asked.

"i could kind of see that he did but i thought it was nothing so i just left it i didn't know that i'm gonna go talk to him," jae said.

"no it's all good i talked to him last night and he said to forget about it," i said explaining it further.

"oh okay at least you got that solved, now with have the pabo bunny rabbit left," she leaned on her arm thinking.

you just laughed at what she said. "but seriously i don't know what to do."

"i have an idea just make him jealous," jae laughed.

thinking about the whole situation maybe i should make him jealous. you nodded saying that you'll do that and jae clapped in excitement.

"baby just smile for now and you'll have you bunny rabbit back in your arms," she tapped your shoulder.

"yah baby even," you smacked her head and she just stuck her tongue out, you both just ended up laughing.


at school you told yoongi the whole situation and he happened to agree with your plan.

suddenly the rest of bangtan came in except for jungkook, you sighed in relief.

"we're sorry about jungkook aera he's a brat but i would love to see how this would turn out," jin laughed.

"don't worry we won't tell him," namjoon said and the rest just nodded.

"thanks guys."

"i'm willing to do this for you and seriously if he keeps this up i will talk to him myself," yoongi said.

"oh i know you would but not for now," you smiled.

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