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ice cream pt.2

it was one in the afternoon and you were complaining that you were hungry.

"come go and get changed let's go out you baby," jungkook pushed you.

"but why ugh! fine," you walked off.

finally after a few minutes of walking you looked up to see an ice cream parlour.

"i dressed up to walk all the way here just to get ice cream?" aera whined.

"geez baby do you have your period today? your extra whiny today, and plus i thought i was the lazy one.. and plus i'm paying," jungkook smiled pinching your cheeks.

you moved his hands away pouting. "okay fine but i want a milkshake too and maybe some cake, strawberry one," you squealed clapping your hand in excitement.

jungkook couldn't stop adoring your little cute face as you shoved food up your mouth. it's okay to look like jae right? you mentally laugh as you though of her eating.

"if food gives it what it takes to make you quiet then i don't mind," jungkook laughed at you.

"and if it takes up you paying all the time i don't mind that either," you laughed back at him as he pouted.

"oh my gosh," you held your mouth as you widened your eyes.

"what is it? are you okay?" jungkook looked at you.

"i just realised we have school tomorrow and the holidays are over, i'm seriously going to cry and we have our final exams and then graduation and then the life after that," you just spat all the thoughts out of your head.

jungkook laughed again. "aish your so cute i want to hug your forever."

"okay seriously i think i'm gonna need more ice cream," you nodded your head.

he just shook his head laughing, the way you love her.

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