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new girl

6.00am. showtime. a start for a new journey and a new life. i got up lazily with my eyes half closed trying to get ready for school. i did the usual routine like every other school day.

i hope this will be a good start to something new.

"bye dad see you later," i said getting my school bag.

"good luck on your first day, stay strong and safe always i love you," he replied drinking his coffee.

i closed the door and started walking to the bus stop. once the bus arrived i sat by the window just admiring the street views of seoul.

finally the day i have been waiting for. i hopped out of the bus and took a quick glance of the front of the school. i sighed, i don't know if i should be excited or sad but all i know is that i have to try my best despite all my negative thoughts.

since it's still early i quickly got my timetable and walked around my new school. i think it's not that bad. i didn't realise the time and it's nearly time to start class. so i nervously walked to my first class and sat at the back of the class at the corner.

the class started to fill up and people started staring at me, probably thinking who am i and what am i doing here. eventually the teacher came in and introduced herself as mrs. shin.

"ahh now i remember i didn't see you there and welcome. you must be the new girl, please stand and introduce yourself to the class," she said while smiling at me.

damn it. why do i have to speak in front of all these people. scary.

"hi my name is aera, nice to meet you all," i said with a tiny awkward smile. as soon as i said that i quickly sat my ass on my seat to hide myself from all the stares.

and with that class began just like every other school day with the usual work. i sighed again hoping this will be a good year.

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