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school. i don't know if i like it or hate it. friends. what friends? study. she didn't mind. music. a subject where she would get lost in dreamland getting a sense of relief letting all her emotions out.

she's silently smart and keeps her talents hidden. she doesn't like attention and all the spotlight on her. she especially hates being under pressure.

definitely she's quite a unique girl and different than others but that doesn't worry her. she's didn't care what others think, all she cares is about herself and her heart.

her heart. something which she is trying to heal, to heal it from pain and loss. though she knows that if she keeps holding onto the past, she'll never get over it.

if you ask her if she's happy. of course she would say no but the thing is she's great at hiding how she feels. she may bawling her eyes out and you wouldn't even know.

but everything will change soon and she just doesn't know it. will everything that she goes through will be worth it at the end?

maybe not?

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now