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so then again class began but it was different. she loved this class, a place where she could be herself and show what she's made of.

"OKAY CLASS QUIET DOWN. i have an assignment for you to complete. you must either sing or play a piece of music, so we can see where you are so far and this will be marked," mrs kang said.

already aera thought to herself but she didn't mind.

he smiled just looking at her from afar. he knew she would ace this assignment. now thinking of assignments he has to prepare what he would perform.

with that class continued on with students bickering and two lost souls finding where their hearts belong.


"ughh i think i need a really good bath," i said stretching my arms jumping on the couch.

"oh your back how was your day today sweetheart," dad asked.

"it was great i finally got to play the piano again and sing for music class but i guess i didn't really realise how tired i was," i sighed.

dad just laughed.

"aha okay im going to go upstairs now, i'll be down later for dinner love you."

"okay but i love you more."

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