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keep in touch

but those smiles and laughs started fade.

as days past, seasons come and as the night falls, she grew out of touch. they started to loose connection but she wanted to keep going.

maybe he needs time or maybe we need a break?

didn't i say that time flies by so fast it really does and now where here, both lost of our destination.

she couldn't help question if it was her fault.

aera looked at his sleeping figure. they barely had anytime for each other anymore. to be honest i don't want loose you. i want to live the rest of my life with you, to hold you, keep you warm and safe.

how can we do that if we're falling out of reach?

i will give you time but i'm not giving up on us.

and i promise you, she touched his hair gently from his sleeping face.

because i love you.

your my moon that shines brightly, shining bright to lead me away from the darkness.

your my moon that shines brightly, shining bright to lead me away from the darkness

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