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its time

"welcome students, after months of studying its time to complete the first bunch of exams, keep your chins down but cheer up good luck to you all," the teacher said standing in front.

"honestly she's so weird," jae whispered to me.

you just laughed hushing her to be quiet.

"we will be starting soon please stay silent," teacher shouted.

time flies so fast. you've been working your ass off for this, so make the best of it you said to yourself.

"fighting," you said to jae quietly.

she gave a fake smile pouting. "yeah yeah fighting," you smiled at her reaction.

"okay let's do this," you said to yourself.



after hours of writing you walked down to the cafeteria.

"fudge me i don't think i can do anymore exams aera!!!" jae whined.

"your doing so well, come on let's go eat."

"jungkookie how was your exam?" you fed him a spoonful of food.

you giggled as he tried to answer you with a full mouth.

"sorry it was good i think i did pretty well," he looked proud.

"yeah yeah the golden maknae," jin said.

"yeah yeah hyung i'm pretty smart right?"

"my english is better than yours," jin crosses his arms.

"no mine is," jungkook crossed his arms.

"hey stob it," the older said.

"spell it."

"oh no here we go again," jimin shaked his head.

the rest of the table was just laughing at the oldest and youngest, what a way to end the day.



"don't forget university after that," you added.

"bish what a way to ruin the mood," jae sighed.

"the mood was already ruined when the exams started girl," aera laughed.

you walked next to jae holding jungkook's hand as he laughed at your conversation.

"yah aera how are you celebrating your eighteenth birthday in a few weeks?" jae asked.

"wow it felt like i just had my birthday time flies by so fast.. um i don't know a small party i guess with us?"

"okay i'll bring the drinks" jae walked off jumping.

"yah comeback you have such a low tolerance," you shouted.

"and i'll bring my heart," jungkook added.

"ew so cheesy but i'll gladly accept that though," you smiled.


"GUYS LETS CELEBRATE EXAMS ARE OVER!!!" jae screamed in my ear.

"geez i'm surprised my ear is still working and yours too," you said to hobi.

he just laughed nodding his head.

"OKAY MY HOUSE IT IS," jimin shouted.

"oh no," you shook your head.

as you could tell the night was filled with young teenagers just having the time of their lives as one looked after the other kids, sadly but she was happy and that's all that mattered.

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