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eternally happy

from that day forward, aera made sure he'd struggle well just a little but they were taking it slow at her pace. it's been a year and jungkook was still waiting. you told the rest of them the plan and how you wanted to handle the situation. they were all happy for you that things were finally coming into place.

the two were together walking along the park on the way to flora's cafe. aera thought she was finally ready which was earlier than she thought, she was rethinking it through over and over, finally coming to a conclusion that she was ready again.

she surprised jungkook as she pulled him into a hug mumbling into his chest. "i'm ready."

he continued to hug her nodding hid head not realising what she just said. "WHAT?"

she let go holding his hand. "the day you've been waiting for has finally come, i'm ready to be like what we were before."

"you just made my entire year, i love you so much," he placed his lips against hers and he felt like he was on cloud nine.


holding each other's hand walking to flora's cafe, they felt the most happiest when together.

"you know the day we met under the tree with the flower, that wasn't the first time i saw you. i actually saw inside the cafe drinking your tea, every time i walked past," jungkook smiled with the thought of that.

"what really? me too! i actually saw you drawing in your sketchbook inside the cafe," aera said surprised from what he said.

"wow i guess it was meant to be my baby," jungkook squished your cheek.

"wow so cheesy still, come on let's go inside i want my tea," aera pulled him inside.

she sat down on the table for two as jungkook ordered for them. finally he came with their beverages.

"hello beautiful, is this seat taken?" jungkook asked aera.

"yes it's taken by the lovely man who is right in front of me," aera laughed.

"well thank you," he laughed along too.

"i know i keep saying this but i love you aera, i really do. i'm ready to spend all of eternity with you forever," jungkook held her soft delicate hand.

"me too.. i love you too jungkook, i really do too more than i can truly explain," they both smiled staring into each other's eyes like the whole world was theirs.

we've had so many downfalls but that will never stop me from loving her. no matter what life hits us with, i promise to be by her side until the end of time. through our worst and through our best and i will be there this time forever.

i guess love was really not over, his departure was painful but we never really got to say goodbye just a see you later. i love him from the bottom of my heart, there is not a question in his voice, it's truly him. the empty seat in front of me that was once empty is now filled, with the love of my life. he was like hello and goodbye, at my beginning and my end.

i will love him in this life and in the next
as i will love him for all of eternity,

until death do us part.

the end.

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