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just like that, another chapter closed just like that, it went past like a blink of an eye.
every passing day, you never realise how much you've got until it's gone, how much we take for granted and how much we take ourselves for granted.

your life can drastically change with a blink of an eye, at first it's all normal then the next day it can come crashing down.

to be honest i don't know what happiness, sometimes i think that i do but at times i don't.
i guess we just have our happy moments?

some people may think that person went through was nothing compared to others, but we all have our weaknesses.

you never what can happen, who can leave and comeback, but that's just apart of life.

the hardest part is making a move to take action. saying goodbye to the people you thought would stay, leaving behind your past which you want to hang to but it's the only way to heal. it might be simple as said but it starts with that action.

it's probably dumb to hold on to something that is constantly hurting you, but the sad thing is it's heartbreaking to let go of everything that you always wanted.

you will always be my first real love and the person that gave me the whole world. you got the best of me and i will never regret loving you. i guess it wasn't meant to be and that's okay.

the one thing you should remind yourself constantly, is that you are..

the one who carried yourself through heartbreak,

you are the one that clothes and feeds it,

and you are the one that tucks it into bed, and you should be proud of that.

having the strength to look after yourself when the world is pushing you down, is the most important thing.

do it for you, not for anyone else.

and that's what i'm going to do.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now