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see you

"okay class that's all for today, please finish your homework before next lesson. have a nice day," our english teacher said.

"YESSS FINALLY LETS GO AERA," jae shouted in joy.

"wow okay thanks for shouting right into my ear anyways let's go," i replied.

me and jae walked to eat our lunch after class. like as the usual enjoying each others company until she leaves but i decided to ask her what's really going on.

"jae...," i say seriously staring at her and she just looks back like she knows what i'm going to ask.


"okay so i've kinda been seeing someone and he's in a popular group in our school. you know the kid that i told you about that i keep bumping into like we're meant to meet..umm," jae said nervously looking down.

"no way hoseok as in jung hoseok, the one who dances." i whispered and she nodded her head looking guilty for not telling me.

"don't feel guilty i'm happy for you but what group," i asked confused.

"bangtan and there's seven of them, they might seem mean but once you get to know them they are very nice people."

"oh and thank you for understanding and accepting us," she said shyly.

"i'm always here jae don't forget that," i smiled.

"oh hoseok or should i say hobi or jhope who dances so sexily smoothly beautifully ahh wow just amazing," i said mimicking what she used to say.

"shhh be quite your so loud." i just laughed at her reaction.

after i got that sorted we spent the rest of lunch care free and talking about old times. we packed up our lunch to go to our last period. we had a little encounter before class. i saw 5 guys with the last one at the back, making them six.

"aera meet bangtan the ones i was talking about earlier," she dragged me near them.

"um hi my name is moon aera."

"nice to meet jae's beloved friend, i'm namjoon, that jin, hoseok, jimin, taehyung and our little maknae jungkook," he said smiling displaying his dimple.

the guy walked infront to show i'm his face. oh it's jungkook so he's apart of this group, i guess i'll be seeing him more often. i thought to myself mentally smiling.

as i looked at each of them another one caught my attention.. that eye smile.

"and if your wondering there is seven of us it's just one of our members was lazy," namjoon said as if he said that a million times.

"uh um okay," i said just snapping out of my thoughts.

"soooo she should join us after school," jae said all excited.

"ring ring ring." the bell rang.

"we'll see you later, aera," he said slowly walking away along with the others.

"it's nice to finally meet the person jae's been always talking about," hoseok held his hand out shaking it with mine.

"likewise, thank you for looking after her she's small girl quite to handle," i said

"aha yes she is thank you for easily accepting us, she was complaining how she was supposed to tell you," he chuckled.

"okay okay okay enough now aera lets go we're going to be late, see you later love you," jae said grabbing my hand.

just as we're about to leave someone held my wrist. i look up to see him.

"um jae i'll catch up you can go ahead," i said.

"oh crap i forgot about him uh that yeah um of course be quick," she replied just realising what was happening and who i was talking to.

"i'm sorry if i'm making you late for your class."

"no no it's alright the teacher i have now is chill anyway so," i replied.

"since earlier i didn't have the chance to say anything how have you've been?"

"oh just the usual i guess but everything's going well and you?"

"a lot has changed but besides that the same as well but by the looks of it you look well," he said looking down.

"if that's what your thinking then no and i'm actually glad to see you again though," i said smiling.

"well that got off my chest should we start over again properly.. friends we kind of ended on the wrong foot?" he chuckled giving out one hand to shake it.

i placed my hand in his shaking it and it felt nice to get that off my chest after years.

"well see you later then, it was nice to see you again.. jimin," and with that i walked back to class.


back then when i lived in busan i went to school with him. so pretty much he liked me and he was like popular. he was like the typical kinda bad boy but sweet and caring. unfortunately, i couldn't return that to him as it was so new to me sudden with relationships and i didn't really get support from back home as they didn't want him for me. so things didn't really turn out well. we were lowkey friends he would hang out with me at times and one of my few friends. after i rejected him, we eventually started to drift apart and not talk anymore.

the sad part of the story is that i eventually started to like him. but it was too late. soon later he had his significant other so i just dropped it. decided to move on and not even try. he looked happy and i didn't want to ruin that. at least she could give him what i couldn't. i guess that the timing was bad. before we started to drift we fought because i didn't return his feelings and our friendship was going out of place.

i'm not gonna lie jimin is probably what ever girl would want. not that yoongi and jimin are the same but jimin was also someone that i'm grateful for. all i know was that there was something telling me that out of the billions of people out there that you'll find someone else. not everything is meant to be. even the happiest stories don't always have a happy ending. i said to myself my heart would eventually beat for someone else and until this day i'm still waiting for that someone.

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