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days of fun

bunch of pabo's groupchat

jae: lets goooo for a beach guys for holidays!!

jiminie: beach?

vantae: beaach?

worldwidehandsome: and food too !! gotta do eat jin

joonie: crabzz

jungkookie: lets get it !!!

sunshine: lets go to the beach ~

sunshine: BEACHHHH

agustd: ok we get it shutup

jae: beach tomorrow i'll text u guys all the  details later

jae: hellooo aera ?

aera: yesyesyes

aera: u guys talk so much, woke me
up from my beauty sleep :p


the day finally reached to have a long weekend at the end beach. we split into two cars, the first one has me, jungkook, yoongi, jimin and jin while the rest where on the second car.

the moment jin turned on the radio the car turned into carpool karaoke. while on the other car it was just full of sleeping people while hobi was driving.

while they started to unpack the stuff out of the car jae ran to the beach. you smiled to yourself because you haven't been to the beach since you were 10.

jungkook grabbed your hand walking together into the beach house.

"guyssss lets go swim," jae jumped up and down.

"okay okay okay geez," you calmed her down.

so there you all chilled swimming and playing with the sand.

sitting by yourself on the sand as you watched them.

from a distance namjoon was trying to show hobi the crabs he found, while hobi was running away from jae who he splashed water on. as yoongi sat by the water watching jin and all the maknae line splashing water on each other.

your heart felt at ease just watching everyone having a good time. this time you felt content and safe surrounded by them. only if my life would be this perfect and at peace from the start.

jungkook started walking towards you smiling. you grabbed the towel to swipe of the water off him.

"having fun?" you said wiping his hair.

"yes really i wish we can do this everyday," jungkook held your hand stopping you actions.

"me too but we have school unfortunately," you laughed holding his face.

"jin hyung said we'll have barbecue later for dinner," he said giving the biggest bunny smile.

you squished his cheeks. "aw why are you so cute jungkookie."

"only for my baby," he laughed.

"that's just a bit cheesy, go dress up so we can prepare dinner," you kissed his cheek.

"can you come with me? pwease," jungkook pouted.

"i'm sure you can take care of yourself little baby because i have seven other babies to look after," you giggled shoving him inside.

"okay then see you in a bit love," he kissed your forehead.

"what's up yoongi? you always look tired minmin," you nudged him as he sat next to you.

"i don't like water," he said stretching.

"oh i know you don't," you laughed at him.

"hey that was just one time okay, i was like 5," yoongi protested.

"yeah yeah scaredy cat meow meow," you held your stomach laughing as he stared at you pouting.

"okay okay i'll stop now."

"i better call them inside we should start cooking now," you said standing up.


"WOW YUMMY," jae shouted filled with food stuffed in her mouth, you looked at her with disgust this girl.

"it's like i haven't eaten in days," jin rubbed his stomach.

"hyung you literally just ate two packet of chips before this," jimin said.

"yah mind your own business," he pointed his fork.

"soo that's where my chips went," hobi stared at his hyung.

"it didn't have any name on it so i ate it," jin crosses his arms.

"and plus namjoon stepped on my other packet of chips earlier," jin stared.

"that was an accident hyung," namjoon said.

"and that's why i got hit from jin hyung because namjoon was using me as a shield from jin hyung because of CHIPS??" taehyung barged in the conversation.

"YAH shutup and just eat you bunch of wining kids," yoongi shouted and they fell silent eating.

you held your stomach laughing at them with jae. honestly they are just a bunch of big kids.

you looked over at jungkook next to you seeing him just silently engulfing all the food on his plate.

you touched his hair admiring his cute little figure minding his own business eating. he always eats so well and that made you happy.

"all of you pack up and clean this except for these three," yoongi pointed at me, jae and jungkook.

"well have fun," jae laughed at their faces walking off.

"fighting," you said smiling.

"don't worry hyung cleaning doesn't hurt you," jungkook chuckled.

"yah you child come here," jin pointed.

"let's go chop chop," yoongi pushes all of them as they groaned.

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