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the day

when i said time flies fast, it really does and here we are. don't worry it's just me crying in my bedroom with jae comforting me. if you don't know, yes it's that time of the year, the day of the year where i'm bawling tears out.

in all seriousness though, why can't my heart seem to move on from this day? it's like my heart knows the date and time. it's almost four in the afternoon and you seem can't get enough of crying. finally picking yourself, you told jae to go home and she did. putting on your long white coat, wearing black from head to toe brushing your hair down, you prepared to visit halmeoni.

so there she stood feeling the coldness of the breeze. aera spoke to herself giving a message to her halmeoni.

"currently it's been 4 years without you and a lot has changed. i mean every year i always visit you and say the same thing over and over again. i thought i couldn't break through without you but somehow i managed. you always told me to choose what's best for yourself and i'm trying my best to. hope your doing okay up there with eomma too. i miss you more than i can even say. i love you."

some days she just wants to disappear and runaway from everything. continuing standing there, she felt a known presence near her. she got a glimpse of the shadow, she spoke all of sudden which surprised herself too.

"to be honest i don't know what to say anymore. throughout the past six years, so much has happened which was beyond than i could even imagine. from the very start my life was already a mess and it still is. eomma left me and dad, we struggled for years moving everywhere. so we moved to seoul to start new and that's when i reunited with jae, yoongi and met everyone, and that's when i also met you. later came us and our story but was later cut short because of circumstances. you left me and then halmeoni left me and all hell broke loose. now we have a time skip of four years without you and now your back just like that. i heard you that night, i heard every single word you said from start to finish to the time you left. a sorry is not enough for just disappearing on me like that and the rest of us. i understand your side of the story but that doesn't cut it for just leaving me in the dark without any explanation for years."

aera turned to jungkook who was standing next to her, they both faced each other looking into each other's eyes. he could see just by looking through, the pain and heartbreak. he was unsure of where she was going with this and deep down his heart felt like he was going break into pieces.

she continued facing him and spoke again.

"honestly ever since you came back, i couldn't stop constantly thinking. with the thought about us really kills me inside, i feel like i've already gone through much heartbreak to not even feel anymore. why did you have to leave me like that? you didn't even leave one message or goodbye. maybe all of this wouldn't have happened if you just told me. i was not just there as your girlfriend but a bestfriend, someone to talk to and to find comfort in but i guess i was wrong. our life now couldn't of been different but it's not, you kept it to yourself while i was here looking dumb sharing everything i had. i don't know if we can still be something. i was contemplating whether i should have you back into my life but i just c-can't.. anymore i-i can't.."

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now