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now one thing for sure is that her heart is confused. the pain is gushing back, at the same time her heart beats rapidly. as much as she wants to spill out her constant thoughts to her beloved friends, she knows this is her own battle that she needs to fight. of course they are there, but there are some things she needed to overcome by herself, and this is one of them.

on the other hand, just streets away is her bestfriend and an unexpected guest. surprisingly her number hadn't changed, so he did all he could to get in touch with her. jae finally accepted his request to have a little chat. she sat directly opposite to the guy, arms and legs crossed waiting for an answer.

"i know your just as upset but please give me a chance to talk to her," jungkook pleaded.

she was burning up inside by just looking at his face, but she knew this will never be over if nothing happens. it had been a few days after the little encounter, he had been contacting her non stop. she wanted to say no but she wanted you to be happy, this was the only way you could move on without any fears and regrets.

so there he was in front of her apartment door, contemplating what he was going to do.

he stood there knocking on the door, glancing over the edges of the door little specs of light were passing through, which helped him confirm she was there. just not opening the door.

on the opposite side, there she stood in silence, his presence created a whole new atmosphere.

"aera.. i know your there i just want to talk."

she turned off the light sitting by the door, leaning her head against it, as he did the same. she cuddled into a ball hugging herself, she was like a ball which is about to burst into lonely tears.

"everyday the moment i left there was not one day that i didn't think of you but it's not about that. i made so many promises that i couldn't even keep. you always said to share everything and don't hold any secrets. before you came into my life, there was this girl. what i thought she was like was the opposite, i thought we were real but that was all a lie. the person i thought i loved, her heart was not for me. when i flew which was the day i left, i went to see her. she had randomly also disappeared and left me, that day i heard news of her whereabouts. i went to america to only find out she was engaged to him, which i thought would break my heart but it somehow didn't. i talked to her and that's when i realised i made the biggest mistake of my life. i was longing for closure, after all these year i had given up on her. when i met you it's like my whole world changed. talking to her made be realise my heart was always with you since the beginning and it still is. not that it mattered but my father told me to stay back and help him with the business and after my time i could head back, which made my stay longer. i just became like her and it beats me every single day. she left me like i left you and it hurts so much. nothing will ever surpass than a sorry but i'll try anyway for you. i am truly sorry for everything. i broke your heart in order to fix my own past. just know that i am not giving up on you, no matter how long it takes, i'll always be here to finish and again fulfill my promises. i hope we can talk whenever your ready, just don't take too long because i'm already missing you, the thought of you makes me want to be with you once again. give me this chance to redeem myself and my mistakes. i hope one day, if ever, we'll be like how we were when we were in each other's arms. i love you more than i can truly explain."

jungkook finally spoke his heart out hoping she was there, and she was. she listened to each and every word he said. closing her eyes as tears fell, she could hear him crying too and his little sobs. clenching onto her chest she cried, hugging her small legs, tears dropping against her delicate skin.

later he took that sign after his long explanation to leave.

the girl in the drawing was that girl and him, it was in front of her all this time. on the outside he looked happy but on the inside he was trying to close his dreadful pass.

the two young souls have delicate hearts
which needed mending, with the idea that they needed each other in order to fix that.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now