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moving on

like some miracle happened it managed to snap you out of your grief. you had a dream someone telling you to let go, be happy and asked you this question. do you want to stay like this forever? in the dream you replied with no, you told that person you want to be happy. that person then said go my little angel make me proud.

waking up processing your dream, you had realised who that someone was. i guess she paid me a visit after so long. you smiled.

"oh eomma i missed you a lot," you spoke to yourself.

you took a deep long breathe closing your eyes.

"OKAY! that's final i'm going to move on not for anyone else but for myself, it's your graduation today so make the best out of it," you huffed smiling.

"everything will be okay, let's go," you picked yourself up getting ready.


you walked into the hall finding your friends.

"HEY GUYS! you ready to graduate!" you smiled jumping.

"WOAH aera is that you? AND YES IM SO READY GIRL," jae hugged you.

the rest of them smiled and was happy to see that things were turning out well.

flash forward. you stood outside on the porch at jae's house, getting some fresh air. after the ceremony you all decided to celebrate together. you were happy that your dad called you, jae even held the phone up to face time so he could see you up on the stage.

"hey aera what you doing out here?" a sudden voice came out of nowhere.

"oh hey yoongi, i was just getting some air," you smiled but it was also a sad one and he could see that.

"remember the promise i made you, i intend on keeping that i'll always be here no matter what. i'll be here in every step of the way, we'll take baby steps okay?" yoongi looked down at her.

"thank you yoongi always," you hugged him.

"come on, jae was bugging me for you to drink," yoongi laughed.

"yep i kinda promised her so that leaves me no choice," you laughed walking inside together.

"GUESS WHOS FINALLY DRINKING TONIGHT," you screamed as you grabbed a bottle.


what a way to end graduation and another chapter of your schooling done. you were excited for all the new things to come. you promised to yourself before you left the house this morning that, i will choose myself first and be happy.

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