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it's not long before they all start arriving. you were in the kitchen giving some last touches.

"yah are you going to stare all day? i know i'm beautiful," you laughed at him.

he chuckled. "i see getting back at me am i right?"

"can't i just admire my girlfriend who cooks the best food i've ever eaten?" he stood up to back hug you.

"don't be over dramatic but thank you jungkookie," you turned around kissing him on the cheek.

"aw why there how about here?" he pointed to his lips pouted.

"okay for my baby," she said kissing him.

suddenly the door bell rang.

"time for karaoke night," you jumped in joy.


you can't help laugh at the sight you are seeing, most of them are left drunk singing.

"OTSUKAREEEEEE," they sang using one mic when there is another one but they're drunk.


"BE QUIET," yoongi shouted laying on the couch drunk too.

after hours of singing and then drinking. you looked around seeing jae fell asleep on your shoulder, as hobi was leaning on jae's shoulder.

not that some of them weren't supposed to drink yet, but they couldn't care less. pretty much everyone was passed out except for one person.

he was singing in his drunk state a sad song?

leaning back on the couch you watched him sing, he looked somewhat hurt but happy at the same time. you quickly ran towards him as he was going to stand.

"careful you can't even stand on your own," you held him.

he stood trying to balance himself while holding you.

squinting his eyes he said. "t-thank you for everything you've done f-for me, i-i love you
p-please love me f-forever."

drunkenly after he said that he fell on the couch next to yoongi, eventually hugging him falling asleep. the amount of times you laughed to the point your cheeks were hurting.

placing your hands on your waist, you thought this was a sight to see. secretively you took a photo to capture this. wanting to have a good sleep after looking watching over these big babies, you went upstairs to sleep in the warm cozy bed.


the morning came as you woke up happily rethinking the events of last night. walking downstairs not surprised as they were still all asleep, you decided to make breakfast and a big one to feed all these babies.

placing the last plate on the table, one by one they started to awaken.

"here i have medicine for you all, drink up then eat some food," you laughed looked at their faces.

"ahh thanks aera," jin said rubbing his eyes.

"yah get off me you muscle pig," yoongi shoved jungkook off him.

you thought their relationship was the cutest thing.

"aera baby come give me a morning kiss," jungkook opened his arms.

"ew no hurry up and get up because i thought of a lot of things we could do during the upcoming holidays next week," you pinched his cheeks and he groaned.

"pay back," you laughed.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now