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months have past, life continued on happily. september is about to finish and head into october.  jungkook quietly yawned rubbing his eyes to adjust to the lighting, stretching his arms across the bed to find it empty.

where did she go? he looked all over the house to find no one.

on the other hand where was aera?

there she stood on the plain grass filled with souls that have left the earth, but she was there in particular for one soul that left her too soon.

by the tree she sat next to the grave that shouldn't have been there too early.

"happy birthday eomma."

a tear fell down her cheek until the lonely tears turned into a pocket full of rain.

"they say time is everything and that you will heal eventually, is that really true? they say things were meant to happen for a reason but why?"

"i'm truly sorry it's been longer than i thought since i last visited you.

you always say the past will keeping coming back if you don't keep moving on, you'll just stay there and repeat your days over and over

and i know you want me to be happy and i am but there are times where i can't control how i truly feel deep down.

happiness is hard to get, you can't just get you have to reach for it. why do i feel like i'm not there yet even though i think i do?

i have friends, there are six of them who are close to my heart, they make me laugh until my cheeks start hurting.

of course you can't forget jae you know her, my other half like my sister.

and lastly there's jungkook my love, someone that makes me feel loved in so many ways. sadly you didn't get to meet him but i guess things happen for a reason right?

please i hope your doing okay up there.

have i really moved on? but you know what i'm going to do this for myself, i will never forget you but i'm going to keep moving on.

i'll be back soon i hope see you again happy birthday i love you eomma."

jungkook's heart saddened at the sight he saw from a distance. he called jae asking where she could be and that's where you ended up being. watching his love greeting her eomma happy birthday.

aera bid her goodbyes and walked until she saw someone in the distance. jungkook?

"i shouldn't be here you probably needed time alone sorry," he started to walk off.

you grabbed his hand intertwining it into yours. they kept walking silently listening to the city streets of seoul.

she stopped suddenly and jungkook looked at her to only find them standing infornt of the building.

flora's cafe.

still in silence they gently walked through the cafe outside to the tree, where memories were made not to forget.

there they sat looking at the view, taking in the cool breeze of the wind as she placed her hands in her pockets into the warmth.

jungkook broke the silence. "i didn't get to say happy birthday to your eomma."

she smiled at his sentence.

"cheer up she probably wanted you to happy for her."

"and your right she would," you said sighing.

"it's your birthday tomorrow what do you want to do?" he asked.

"you know me i'm not fancy with that stuff, i don't know i just wanna spend it with all of you guys and jae that's all."

"let's keep it simple then it's set for tomorrow i'll tell them later."

"thank you jungkook," you looked into his moonlit eyes.

"for what?"


"i should be the one thanking you," he pulled aera into a hug.

it feels so warm in his arms like i said before it makes me feel safe at home and i hope that this will last forever.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now