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never forget

i stood outside the door waiting for jungkook. finally i see his car pull up. he waved his arms to hop in.


"hey let's go shall we," he smiled.

"i thought we'd just have a simple day out," he said walking side by side.

"is everything okay?" he asked looking down at you.

"yeah." you've been just spacing out for the whole time.

"come lets go to that cafe," jungkook pointed.

after the park not too far you both were in the city without realising it.

suddenly you smiled and he just looked at you curiously.

flora's cafe.

you both sat in front of each other.

"caramel macchiato please," he said to the waitress.

"i'll have a hot chocolate thanks."

after half an hour we both sat there just enjoying each other's company but i still felt tension in the air.

of course what do you expect the one and only jungkook admitted that he like me and i did too. what the heck anyways.

he intertwined his hand into mine as i also did the same feeling his warmth.

we headed outside to the tree that i would always look at when i come here, which was just outside the cafe's view.


jungkook turned my body to face him as we stood under the tree. he held both of my hands and started to speak.

"i know you have so many questions and i do too but all i know is that we have the same thoughts. it hasn't been that long but i can't stop thinking about it, this feeling i've been keeping in for a while now. i keep getting drawn to you. i know the events of yesterday didn't go smoothly but i really am sorry for what i've done. i understand if you don't accept it but it's worth a shot. i don't know but all i know is that i like you a lot and the moment you came it's like an angel fell from heaven. lets make it official?."

"will you be my girlfriend?" jungkook waited for her response.

"honestly i didn't know what i was feeling either because i haven't felt this way in a while. yet again the moment i saw you too, i was always drawn to you somehow. this is really hard for me to do. if you haven't noticed yes i make friends but it's not everyday i open myself to others. from all the advice, thoughts and contemplations as i'm always scared to show myself. i guess i won't ruin this opportunity and i can't deny how much i feel. so to answer your question. yes i'll be your girlfriend," you huffed smiling.

jungkook was nervous, the moment you said yes he gave the most heart warming smile ever.

you were both so lost in the moment. you hugged each other with all your might. there you felt safe and at home in his arms and he did too. that's all that mattered.

"let's make this a moment never to forget," he said staring into your eyes.

"a moment never to forget."

with that he placed his lips against yours and you were the happiest girl alive.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now