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who are you?

you didn't tell anyone about your hallucination because it was really nothing. besides that you and jae were at the mall, technically she was doing the shopping.

being the good friend you are you tagged along, but you were busy on your phone sitting on the chair waiting for her to finish.

"aera, which one this one or that one?" jae asked.

"this one," you said without taking your eyes off the screen.

"you didn't even look," she wined.

"i don't know it's up to you," aera replied still watching her drama.

"okay then i'll think i will get this one," jae finally clarified.

"i told you," you said and jae just rolled her eyes.

"okay i'm done thanks for coming with me, let's go to the cafe now, i want coffee," jae smiled.

"you mean you need coffee," aera laughed at her.

"and plus i want tea," aera continued.



"no coffee."

"tea.. okay come on let's go pabo."

happily you both chat while drinking your beverages, when you finished you wanted to say goodbye to mrs kang.

"mrs kang, thank you for the lovely tea see you soon," aera thanked her.

"no worries, oh aera there was this boy who helped me out with the boxes," mrs kang smiled.

"oh really that's really good, they were really heavy," aera laughed.

"oh there he is aera meet jungkook and jungkook meet aera," mrs kang said.

you turned to see the tall boy. his hair was nicely fixed like his coconut hair, wearing black head to toe along with a leather jacket. his skin looked so smooth, soft and very different.

both you just stared at each other.

"do you perhaps know each other?" mrs kang asked.

you mumbled at the start. "i guess, anyways i have to go now bye see you mrs kang."

with that you walked away and opened the door as jae was waiting outside.

"hey aera wait!" he called out catching up with you.

but you didn't budge, jae saw and didn't know what to do. you both started walking but jungkook grabbed your hand gently.

you turned around and waited for him to speak.

"i just wa-"

"i don't think we have anything to talk about, i'll get going now," you cut him off walking away grabbing jae's hand.

"wait just a sec.. can we-"

"hey jungkook it's nice to see you but i think now is not a good time, sorry take care," jae cut him off and walked away with aera.

jae was just as mad as aera was, to see the guy who broke her bestfriend's heart and to see her suffer all alone, not just him but her halmeoni too. it was painful to see her cry herself to sleep every night.

they sat outside at aera's house under the dark sky.

"it's getting late you should head up soon, i'll sleep over okay?" jae said and she nodded her head.

"good i'll head up now.. everything will be okay, you made it this far so you can do it, just follow what you heart tells you.. goodnight aera," jae held her hand walking inside.

a tear fell down her cheek.

she thought she was okay after all these years but her heart was telling her the opposite.

her heart is confused after seeing him, she wanted to know but the other part of her is saying he's not part of your life anymore.

she sighed walking back inside like jae said, you made it this far so you can do it.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now