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the next day of school went the same as usual but i felt a bit better knowing that i have jae with me. me and jae walked out of our class to head to the cafeteria to eat lunch. luckily most of our classes were together. we sat by the same place we sat at yesterday.

"seriously, chips for lunch don't you have anything else," i asked jae.

"uhh yup didn't have time to pack lunch and i have no money on me right now. unless you wanna buy me some food," she said widening her eyes at me smiling weirdly.

"ew gross your such a kid and as if i would buy you food," i fired back grinning.

she pouted at me and then gasped as if she forgot something, scaring me.

"oh my god, what's wrong you scared me," i asked worriedly confused.

"i forgot to do some things for my other classes, sorry i have to go see you tomorrow love ya," she pinched my cheeks ran off to where ever she's going.

ugh i sighed there i mean some people have to do their own things sometimes. since i still had lots of time before my next class which is music i decided to go to the music room.

"woah wow this is so pretty," i gasped.

the music room looked so bright and the sunlight beamed through the white curtains making the room look so soft and elegant.

there was a grand piano at the back of the room. as soon i saw it i ran admiring the beautifully structured piano. i ran my fingers along the keys playing hitting each key.

it's really been a while since i got to okay on an actual piano, i only have a keyboard at home. i know i'm in this music class, but i took this opportunity to play my most treasured song.

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now