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there you sat listening to your teacher rant about the final exams and graduation. time really flies by so fast especially when your having fun.

"so you must study for the time of your life, this is your future we're taking about," the teacher spoke.

"so you must study for the time of your life blah blah blah," you heard jae mock the teacher.

you laughed at her imitation.

"something funny girls?" the teacher called out.

"um no miss please continue," you said hiding your face pushing jae.

"why are you pushing me?" jae whispered.

"shutup pabo," you nudged her.

there you sat with the rest of them at lunch, as they all complained about the final exams and stuff.


the day came to an end you were waving goodbye to jungkook as you went your separate ways.

yoongi asked to hang out since it's been a while and jimin wanted to tag along, so that's how you three ended up eating dinner together.

"but seriously i can't forget yoongi's face when he was scared of the water," you held you stomach while laughing while jimin did too.

"ouch my cheeks hurt," jimin continued laughing.

"yah i didn't come out here with you two just to make fun of me, and aera i thought we wouldn't mention this again," yoongi pouted.

"okay okay geez i'm sorry i'll stop," but you couldn't stop laughing though.

after settling down you finally had a proper conversation.

"so jimin when are you going to find someone?" you nudged him.

he scratched his head. "i don't know, i'm sure that someone will come around not much in a hurry," he smiled.

"aw that's good for you jimin and how about you yoongi?" you looked at him as he drank his wine.

"what about me?" he raised his shoulders.

"yeah like what jimin said," he waved his hands.

"hehe okay minmin whatever you say."

"guys be right back bathroom break," jimin laughed.

"aera how you holding up? with all the exams and jungkookie," yoongi asked.

you laughed as he said jungkookie.

"everything is going well thank you for asking, i literally forgot we had school and the day before jungkook bought me heaps of ice cream and stuff. we also spent a lot of time together during the holidays, i'm really happy," aera rambled.

"it's really nice to hear that aera, i'm so proud of you," yoongi smiled.

"aw man don't make me cry," aera his her face.

"what do you mean? no one is crying tonight lets go get some ice cream before our exams come up, it will be the last for a while," jimin jumped in excitement.

"OKAY LETS GO!" you squealed.

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