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after the bell rang from last period, me and jae walked to the restaurant nearby to eat with bangtan.

i greeted them and sat down as jae ran to sit next to jimin. as we were ordering namjoon greeted me to the last member that i haven't met yet.

"aera this is yoongi and yoongi this is aera," he said introducing us to each other.


"AERA??," we said at the same time.


me and yoongi sat outside the restaurant admiring the view outside.

"yoongi how are you," i asked breaking the silence.

"don't even bother asking that, you of all people should know that moonmoon," yoongi said smirking and i just chuckled.

"hey don't call me that even moonie sounds better," i said pouting.

"oh you loved that nickname moonmoon," he replied.

"okay call me whatever, minmin," i smirked back.

"we're even then moonmoon and minmin," he chuckled.

"i guess things haven't really changed between us expect for the fact we haven't seen each other in year and we've grown," yoongi said staring at the sky.


"aera i know it's been a while since we've seen each other but i can still tell when your upset, you know i'm always here when you need it." yoongi said seriously.

"yes i know it's just weird ever since mother passed. i don't know how to feel anymore that grandma is still in the hospital, i can't loose another person i love." i sighed.

"like seriously i don't know how you put up with loss, it's so hard." i complained.

"i've been there i know how you feel and it is hard, i guess it's part of the process of moving on. your the strongest person i know aera. no matter what happens i'll always be here and i won't leave you again." he said with a little smile.

"i didn't know you were still friends with jimin he didn't mention you since i met him earlier," i said

"oh yeah when i moved back i found that jimin came to the same school in seoul so yeah we reconnected again," he said.

"oh that jimin kid aha just kidding i guess he wanted us to be surprised."

"aha okay we could go ask him let's head back inside, probably looking for us."

me, yoongi and jimin used to go to the same school later on we all seperated and moved places. oh and yoongi knows about jimin too as i literally told him everything.

anyways me and minmin also known as yoongi headed back inside with the others. i explained how yoongi and i grew up together since our mothers were best friends. before i was born and even yoongi, our mothers were friends from the start till the end of their school years in daegu. they did everything together and they both continued university in busan. i guess that's how me and yoongi met.

best friends and neighbors.

and plus i met jae at busan too that how we became best friends but she moved too. omg why is everyone moving..

but eventually when we grew older at the age of 13 his father passed from a heart attack. ever since then i didn't see him, his mother stayed in busan while he went overseas to japan to study there instead with his auntie. i guess it was too much for him to handle. it was heartbreaking and here i am 4 years later meeting him for the first time again.

what's even more heartbreaking i also lost my own mother that same year. the same day when yoongi was leaving for japan.

i guess i'm not lucky as i thought.

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