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flora's cafe

flora's cafe. the cafe i go to every morning after watching the sunrise. i love this place. it was just on the outskirts of the city. it was quite and peaceful. i loved the smell of the sugary scent which flows across the air of the cafe and the sight of the bright view of nature, where trees would swing side to side as the birds chirped singing along.

this year was not like every other year. moving schools was something she hated doing but she had no choice. she had stayed here for a few weeks before she could start the semester which begins in a few days. she thought she would hate the place but something drew her in she wanted to know what.

she stepped into the cafe getting the usual and sitting by the window admiring the view. she always sat in the same spot, on the left side at the end of the cafe. sitting in the middle of the window with two seats, one occupied by her and the other by no one.

but today felt strange she didn't know what. she sat down in her seat only to find someone sitting across from her. she had never seen him before. was he new here? but something about him made stinging butterflies around her stomach. what was this feeling? she was intrigued to the boy sitting at the corner of the cafe, drawing something on his sketchbook. she felt a different vibe around him drawing her in.

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