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another day

at school. i mean isn't it just the best place on earth? i can't lie, we pretty much spend half of our lives in these crap classrooms and learning from unhelpful teachers.

they just shove us piles of work which i bet they can't even finish themselves. honestly i don't know how i'm still alive, my brain is literally fried.

speaking of that i'm pretty hungry.

"miss aera, would you please kindly answer question 3, your a bit quiet there."

i quickly snap out of my thoughts. i complied.

it's not that i was dumb or anything it's just i'm lazy. that's pretty much it and the fact that i don't really want to participate.

i can but i just prefer not to. some people just ended up shouting out the answer anyway so why bother.


walking down the hallway full of stares. yes, me and jungkook have been dating for a while now but guess what. you know how i was talking about how school is the best place on earth. it really is definitely not.

like can they keep their eyes to themselves but i know for a fact they envy me. the idea that i'm dating the guy they all wish they had. sometimes i question how did i manage to get jungkook's attention.

"hey guys food smells delicious," i greeted them sitting next to jungkook.

he kissed forehead. he really loves to do that.

"i know your hungry so i brought you more food," he said placing it in front of me.

i smiled with so much joy. food yessir.

"jae what the heck chips again?" i asked.

"my boyfriend over here won't share his food," jae stared at hobi.

"only one bite," hobi said.

"never!!" jae shouted as they played around.

"speaking of food jin hyung can i have a bite of your food too," jimin did aegyo.

"yes jin hyung me too," taehyung smiled as yoongi just took a piece straight away of his cake and giving a piece to namjoon too.

"YAH HAJIMA my fooodd!"

this was a sight i loved to see. being i the arms of the one i love and my friends.

i turned to jungkook silently laughing too at the sight of our messy table, he looked back.

i stared into his shiny eyes and mouthed 'i love you'

"i love you too aera," he mouthed back pinching my cheeks.

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