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i was sitting in the living room wearing my pj's after i took a shower. nothing new just eating food looking like a pig. i was waiting for jungkook to come over.

i hear a car pull up the drive way. i open the door and jump straight into his arms, he's now carrying me.

he started laughing. "your such a baby," he said.

"yes a baby that needs to be looked after."

finally we reached the couch until dad appeared coming down the stairs.

"aera honey i have a friend and her baby needs to be looked after just for today, i owe her so can you do this for me please? i have work," dad said in a hush.

"yeah sure bye dad see you."

after the door closed me and jungkook just looked at each other, i couldn't read his face and i spoke.

"it's not like i had a choice," i said.

"it's okay i love kids."

"seriously me too, i guess this won't be bad after all," i exclaimed.

ding dong.

"hello you must be aera, this is hyun. i have to go now thank you so much," she gave hyun over to aera as jungkook watched.

"no worries."

there sat hyun in between aera and jungkook.

"hello hyun i'm your noona aera and this is your hyung jungkook," i smiled looking down at the little boy.

"how old are you hyun?"

he scrunched his face trying to count with his fingers, showing three fingers smiling.

"so noona and hyung look after me?"

"yes hyun just for today, what would you like to do?"


"okay let's do it then."


jungkook and hyun were playing outside chasing each other. they both stumbled on the floor laughing with hyun on top of jungkook.

looking at that sight made her heart flutter. you couldn't stop smiling to yourself. never did you expect to be so happy about jungkook with kids. it was the cutest thing ever.

"okay boys time to eat" you shouted.

"hyun baby open your mouth for me," aera started to feed him.

he wasn't complying so she started to tickle the little boy. eventually he gave in munching on the food.

jungkook watched at the other two. the way her smile lightens up when she's laughing, to her cute aegyo and her beautiful aura. jungkook was mentally smiling.

"hey jungkook you okay?"

"is hyung ggukie okay?" hyun asked too.

the two older ones just laughed.

"yes hyun hyung ggukie is okay," jungkook smiled.


not long after they ate aera decided to change hyun into comfortable clothes to watch cartoons, but the young little boy wasn't interested in that.

jungkook stood leaning against the door watching her change hyun into a new set of clothing.

aera foled her arms, trying to look mad at hyun because he wasn't following. as much as she tried she couldn't get mad at the little boy.

so she decided to tickle hyun. she thought that was the only way to make him listen. hyun kept on laughing until he gave in to his noona.

jungkook was so happy to have her in his life and he couldn't be happier.


finally hyun was set lying down in the middle between his noona and his hyung.

aera and jungkook just admired hyun and his cute baby features, while watching the cartoon.

thirty minutes later aera looked up from her phone to see the other two sleeping, with jungkook's arms wrapped around hyun.

she mentally squealed at the cuteness, as she took a photo.

she didn't have much growing up, she lived a simple but complicated life. until now it feels surreal. how did she manage to get this far?

when she thought all would come crashing down it didn't. maybe this is it? maybe the word is finally telling her you'll be okay now, that you'll finally get the chance to be happy and free again.

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