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what's up

getting up on my tiny feet, i steadily got ready to visit halmeoni. walking down the stairs i'm greeted by no one. i guess dad has work.

i plugged in my earphones as i walked to the bus stop to reach the hospital. isn't just nice travelling alone sometimes? well for me. just getting in the mood and watching everyone as you go past.

i clicked 27 to her floor.

"oh annyeong aera! your halmeoni is just inside take care."

"thank you chaeyoung see you," i greeted my halmeoni's nurse.

i quietly opened the door to make sure if she's sleeping.

"aera is that you?"

"yes halmeoni how are you?" i smiled running up to her to give a hug.

"i'm going quite well, how's my little flower?"

"i'm really doing well this time and i have a lot to tell you," i jumped.

so maybe after ranting and telling my story from start to finish took longer than i thought. any who she always listens to every single detail i say.

"you shouted at a boy who was your friend which is now your boyfriend called jungkook? bring him next time, i want to see him," she said smiling.

"why are you smiling like that?"

"nothing flower i'm just really proud and happy for you."

"that's what dad said and that mother would be too," i gave a shy smile.

"and it's true aera, you have come a long way and you've kept yourself together," she held my hand.

"yeah i guess so."

i greeted her goodbye and i already miss her as i started to leave the building. suddenly i got a call as i started to walk to the bus stop.

"um hello?"

"annyeong moonmoon it's me yoongi, i got your number from jungkook," he said over the phone.

"oh hey minmin what's up?"


after a few minutes of walking, i reached the restaurant nearby the hospital. opening the door the little bell rang as i stepped inside. i turn to see yoongi waving at me.

we quickly ordered our lunch. maybe i wont be so healthy on this order, food is everything.

"sorry it's been so long and i forgot to give you my number," i apologised, he shook his said saying it's okay.

"how's your mother yoongi?"

"she's doing well same thing, oh and i told her that we reconnected again. she was very happy and wants to see you but i'm not sure how that will work since she's in busan," he questioned.

"maybe next time hopefully soon i miss her cooking," i smiled.

"me too honestly."

"aera i know you've been getting so many greetings about your relationship. i know it's a bit overwhelming and this is new to you but i just wanted to add on to what everyone has been saying,"

i nodded to let him continue.

"we really are all proud of you and it's true. when i heard the news i couldn't have been more happier because i know someone is there to look after you and to hold you. deep down i'm am very sorry that i left you that day. so i promise you that i will make it up to you.

i promise i will be there for you always, even when you don't want me to be.

i feel happy because you are too, so please stay that way. the last thing i want to see is you hurting. so stay strong always if not for you then for your halmeoni, me your dad and everyone else okay."

a tear dropped down my face.

"thank you yoongi, how do i deserve someone like you?" i spoke with a broken voice.

"i love you bestfriend minmin," i gave a slight smile.

"i love you too bestfriend moonmoon."

disappeared - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now