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the same day you left her, kept replaying in his mind. knowing that just opened his eyes to the real reason for her heartbreak. jae told him that somehow every year on that same day that aera would always break down. that day every year the pain never seems to go away.

sept 30. the same day you left her, the same day halmeoni left her and the same day her heart was ripped into a million pieces.

flashback to the conversation they had about aera and surely jungkook was regretful.

"jungkook.. oh man your name is seriously annoying now but it's september right now and guess what is coming up in a few weeks time?" jae asked him knowing he knew the answer.

"look what i'm trying to say is, give her time, if you really want to make it up to her you've got to really pull your strings and do something or else you'll truly loose her forever."

back to the present jungkook is currently in the living with the rest of bangtan just chilling. yoongi looked at the younger lost in thoughts, he decided to go talk to him. there the two sat outside under the sun which is about to set.

"i talked to jae and i'm mad you too but i can't hold that against you for the rest of my life because i'm not the one who lost her two beloved in the span of one day. i know your trying your best and keep going. you know i won't take no for an answer, you broke my bestfriend's heart and you are going to fix that. if saying i forgive you helps her come back to the aera we all know like before then i forgive you. if you ever dare to do that again, you'll be out of our lives for good," yoongi sternly said but in a meaningful way.

"i understand.. thank you hyung. no matter how long it takes, i'll bring back what we all once had," he closed his eyes sighing.

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