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the bell rang which gave the single that class was over. you saw jae waiting outside your classroom to get ready to eat some food. you both slowly walked to the cafeteria while you were talking about how class was.

"hey guys, remember aera hope don't mind if she sits with us." jae said comfortably sitting down next to jimin.

"no not at all nice to see you again." the boys replied expect for jungkook who sat there eating his food.

aera gave a little smile sitting across to yoongi since she's the closest to him.

"so i heard you performed your first solo today how was it?" yoongi asked.

"it was a nice feeling and being able to perform freely again," she replied.

"ahh you will never change your face will you? always so cranky and straight looking like you hate everyone," he said.

"well i'm sorry minmin that something i'm still working on as your face looks even worst. you look like your going to kill someone and i bet your not gonna change that" aera laughed.

"well i'm sorry moonmoon.. uhh yeah definitely not changing the way i look," yoongi gave a funny serious face back.

"hey yoongi why don't you play around like that with us." hoseok barged into our conversation.

"first off don't speak when i'm talking to someone, two aera is the only one who is lucky to get this privilege and three talk go to your love bird over there." yoongi spat.

hoseok pouted and the rest just laughed at what just happened.

"they are so cute." jae quietly said looking at aera and yoongi while they continued to chat.

aera looked at all the boys, she thought are they really playboys. they don't seem like it.

nobody noticed him but jungkook sat there as they all had fun he gave a little chuckle and continued to munch on his delicious food.

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